Paul R. Peronard began his career with EPA in 1985 starting out as a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Enforcement Officer in EPA's Region 4 Office in Atlanta. He transferred to the Region 4 Emergency Response program in 1990 as an on-scene coordinator (OSC). Since 1998, he has served as an OSC in EPA Region 8 and has played a significant role in emergency responses at nationally recognized sites. Paul also serves as a lead instructor for the Comprehensive Environmental response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Education Center (CEC) which offers OSCs, RPMs, site assessment managers (SAM), and other environmental professionals training courses on the many aspects of the Superfund program. Paul instructs various training courses including the OSC 201, Removal Process, Waste Treatment, Transportation, and Disposal, and Knowing and Using the NCP.