Robert Bastian is a Senior Environmental Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. where, for more than 30 years, he has dealt with a wide range of issues associated with municipal wastewater treatment plants, including the use innovative treatment technologies, the water quality benefits associated achieved by wastewater treatment, the reclamation and reuse of wastewater effluents, and the beneficial use o f biosolids. He has managed numerous national demonstration projects and has worked closely with the Water Resources & Technology Board of the National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences, various interagency groups and private sector groups to develop program guidance that addresses such areas as the management of wastewater discharges in coastal areas, the management of radioactive materials in sewage sludge and ash, the use of effluents to create, restore and maintain high quality wetland habitat, the use of reclaimed effluents and biosolids in food crop production, and the use of biosolids as a soil amendment in land reclamation/restoration efforts. Bob has closely followed research and demonstration efforts focused on the use of biosolids to help revegetate and reclaim/restore highly disturbed and contaminated sites in numerous areas across the country that date back to the late 1960's.