Dr. Sutton has had over 15 years of experience with remediation and green practices. His work with remediation has involved conducting optimization evaluations at over 70 environmental cleanup sites nationwide for U.S. EPA, U.S. Army, and private sector clients. He has also authored or co-authored six technical guidance-oriented documents on behalf of U.S. EPA related to groundwater remediation. His remediation work also includes design, operations, and project management of sites in the private sector. Dr. Sutton's work with green and sustainable practices has included studying the influence of North American forests on regulating greenhouse gases and feasibility analysis and/or design of various energy efficient and renewable energy technologies such as photovoltaic systems, geothermal heat pumps, solar heating, and combined heat and power. Dr. Sutton applies both of these areas of expertise to conduct green remediation evaluations, develop technical guidance-oriented green remediation documents, and provide training in the field of green remediation on behalf of U.S. EPA and other federal agencies.