A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Capture Zones at Pump and Treat Systems presents a systematic approach for the evaluation of capture zones at pump and treat systems, and provides an overview of a recently published USEPA document on the topic (EPA 600/R-08/003, January 2008). The target audience for the course is project managers who review those analyses and/or make decisions based on these types of analyses. This course will highlight: - The importance of capture zone analysis during ground water remediation, particularly for sites requiring containment
- Key concepts of capture, such as "target capture zones" and "converging lines of evidence"
- Typical errors made in capture zone analysis
In addition, steps associated with a systematic approach for capture zone analysis will be discussed. These steps include the following:- Step 1: Review site data, site conceptual model, and remedy objectives
- Step 2: Define site-specific Target Capture Zone(s)
- Step 3: Interpret water levels
- Potentiometric surface maps (horizontal) and water level difference maps (vertical)
- Water level pairs (gradient control points)
Step 4: Perform calculations (as appropriate based on site complexity)- Estimated flow rate calculation
- Capture zone width calculation
- Modeling (analytical and/or numerical) to simulate water levels, in conjunction with particle tracking and/or transport modeling
- Step 5: Evaluate concentration trends
- Step 6: Interpret actual capture based on steps 1-5, compare to Target Capture Zone(s), and assess uncertainties and data gaps
Examples will be used to demonstrate key aspects of capture zone analysis.