EPA's Superfund Redevelopment Initiative (SRI) celebrates its 10-year Anniversary in 2009! To mark this event, EPA is hosting a diverse series of CLU-IN internet seminars featuring Superfund site reuse success stories.
Drawing on case studies and on the ground experience, the second session will address key Superfund redevelopment questions such as: If you have a Superfund site and you're thinking about reuse, what steps can you take to ensure reuse and cleanup go hand in hand? What can you do to address barriers to reuse that may arise?
The session will walk participants through how reuse can fit into each step of the Superfund cleanup process, taking an in depth look at sites where reuse was incorporated at varying stages of cleanup. It will demonstrate how site cleanup teams can work efficiently with communities, States, potentially responsible parties (PRP) and other site stakeholders to promote the redevelopment of Superfund sites and bring them back into beneficial use, even when things aren't looking rosy and there are significant obstacles to cleaning up the site and getting stakeholders together to think about reuse possibilities.
Please visit www.cluin.org/sri for more information on SRI and future webinar sessions.