I. Today's Presentation and References |
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II. Additional Information |
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Visual Sample Plan (Pacific Northwest Lab) |
BAASS (Argonne National Lab) |
Surfer/Grapher (Golden Software) |
ArcView 3.x or 9.x (ESRI) |
Decision Support Tools (DST) |
CLU-IN Field Analytic Technologies: X-Ray Fluorescence |
Control Chart |
SW-846 Method 6200: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry for the Determination of Elemental Concentrations in Soil and Sediment |
Example Adaptive XRF Lead Program Decision Logic for 500 ppm Action Level |
XRF Case Studies: |
Use of Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (FPXRF) and the Triad Approach To Investigate the Extent of Lead Contamination at a Small Arms Training Range, Fort Lewis, WA |
Case Study for the Use of a Decision Support Tool: Using Visual Sampling Plan to Optimize Sampling Strategies and Manage Uncertainty at the Ross Metals Site, Rossville, Tennessee |
Triad Case Study: Rattlesnake Creek |
EPA ORD Innovative Technology Verification Reports Feb 2006 (Bench Top Units): |
Oxford ED2000 XRF Analyzer |
Rigaku ZSX Mini II XRF Analyzer |
Rontec PicoTAX XRF Analyzer |
Xcalibur ElvaX XRF Analyzer |
EPA ORD Innovative Technology Verification Reports Feb 2006 (Handheld Units): |
Innov-X XT400 Series XRF Analyzer |
Niton XLi 700 Series XRF Analyzer |
Niton XLt 700 Series XRF Analyzer |
Oxford X-Met 3000TX XRF Analyzer |
Ingersoll uncertainty calculator 2006: |
Estimation of Analytical Measurement Uncertainty: RIM Procedure A06-05 |
Environmental Analytical Measurement Uncertainty Estimation: Nested Hierarchical Approach |
QC-based Uncertainty Calculator R2 |
QC-based Uncertainty SOP R2 |
Estimation of Analytical Measurement Uncertainty |
Instrument Information: |
Compton Normalization |
Reclaiming Military Bases from Tungsten Takeover |
Advances in Field-Portable XRF |
Periodic Table X-ray Energy Reference |
NIST-Standard-Reference-Materials: |
8704, Buffalo River Sediment |
2709, San Joaquin Soil, Baseline Trace Element Concentrations |
2710, Montana Soil, Highly Elevated Trace Element Concentrations |
2711, Montana Soil, Moderately Elevated Trace Element Concentrations |
Soil Sampling Information: |
A Rationale for the Assessment of Errors in the Sampling of Soils |
Guidance for Obtaining Representative Laboratory Analytical Subsamples from Particulate Laboratory Samples |
Gy Sampling Theory in Environmental Studies. 1. Assessing Soil Splitting Protocols |
Gy Sampling Theory in Environmental Studies. 2. Subsampling Error Estimates |
Improving Laboratory Performance Through Scientific Subsampling Techniques |
Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance, Volume 1: Soil |
Demonstration of Method Applicability Examples: |
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for Many Diversified Interests Superfund Site Houston, Texas: Data Evaluation Summary Report On-Site Remedial Investigation |
Remedial Action Rockwool Industries, Inc. Superfund Site Belton, Texas EPA ID No. txd066379645: Demonstration of Methods Applicability Report |
Memorandum: Fort Lewis Agreed Order RI Demonstration of Method Applicability Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum, Former Small Arms Ranges |
Applicability of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) For Rattlesnake Creek |
III. Rebroadcast of Other Internet Seminars and Training
Opportunities |
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