Demonstration Database Description of Labels

Concentration of the Contaminants    Preferred units for groundwater concentrations are ug/L. Preferred units for soil/sediment concentrations are mg/kg.

Contaminants Treated   Contaminants addressed by the demonstration project.

Demonstration Technology    Remedial Technology/ies used.

Demonstration Technology Type   Identifies the type of technology, as being Biological, Physical/Chemical, or Thermal, both In Situ and Ex Situ.

Demonstration Year   Year in which demonstration was completed or results were published.

Geology and Hydrogeology   Brief summary of stratigraphy and heterogeneity of media treated (especially important for in situ remedial technologies).

Goal of Demonstration  A summary of the questions or issues that the demonstration project was performed to investigate.

Government Affiliation    Identifies whether or not demonstration was performed by a Federal agency.

Interesting Aspects or Significance of the Demonstration    Type of issue that the demonstration investigated.

Lessons Learned    Lessons learned about the remedial technology.

Media Treated   Media addressed by the demonstration project.

Other Demonstration Information   May include some background information about the demonstration. May also provide a summary of cost data for the demonstration, and information about projected cost for use of this remedial technology at full-scale.

Performance Data Relevant to Demonstration Goals    A summary of the remedial technology performance data, such as contaminant concentrations after treatment, related to each of the goals for the demonstration.

Project Status    Identifies if demonstration project is planned, ongoing, or completed.

Site Type   Type of site or historical operations/practices that lead to contamination.

Units for Contaminant Concentration   Actual units for concentration data.

Year of publication   Year that information about demonstration was first published.