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UK Tour de Table NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Dr. Theresa Kearney (United Kingdom) |
PowerPoint (363K/PPT)
Acrobat (678K/PDF)
District of Goslar NATO-CMMS
Juergen Bauer (Germany) |
PowerPoint (23MB/PPT)
Acrobat (1MB/PDF)
Remediation Strategies Overview - Remediation of Metal Contaminated Sites
Luso Diels (Belgium) |
PowerPoint (41MB/PPT)
Acrobat (667K/PDF)
Remediation Schemes to Mitigate the Impacts of Abandoned Mines
Brian Bone (United Kingdom) |
PowerPoint (9MB/PPT)
Acrobat (2MB/PDF)
Romanian Mining Industry and Environment Protection
Cornel Florea Gabrian (Romania) |
PowerPoint (4MB/PPT)
Acrobat (789K/PDF)
Safety Evaluation of Aural Tailing Pond
Dan Stematiu (Romania) |
PowerPoint (1MB/PPT)
Acrobat (288K/PDF)
The Deloro Mine Site Demonstration Project
K.Volchek, D.Velicogna, W.P.Wong, C.E.Brown (Canada) |
PowerPoint (3MB/PPT)
Acrobat (520K/PDF)
Use of Alkaline Additives and a Soil Cover for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage from Sulphidic Tailings in Lavrion
Anthimos Xenidis (Greece) |
PowerPoint (24MB/PPT)
Acrobat (2MB/PDF)
Issues in U.S. Mining
George Bockosh, DJ Peterson (United States) |
PowerPoint (4MB/PPT)
Acrobat (770K/PDF)
Reducerea Riscului de Producere a Accidentelor Miniere în Bazinul Tisei (Romanian Version)
Adriana Eftimie (Romania) |
PowerPoint (2MB/PPT)
Acrobat (327K/PDF)
Risk Reduction of Mining Accidents in the Tisa Basin (English Version)
Adriana Eftimie (Romania) |
PowerPoint (2MB/PPT)
Acrobat (347K/PDF)
Toxic Mining Waste in the Pre-Accession Countries: The Pecomines Project
Marco D'Alessandro, Giovanni Bidoglio, Tamás Hámor,Gyozo Jordán, Erik Puura, Panos Panagos, Stefan Sommer, Marc Van Liedekerke, Anca Marina Vijdea (Italy) |
PowerPoint (5MB/PPT)
Acrobat (928K/PDF)
NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS)
Oliver Landour (Belgium) |
PowerPoint (3MB/PPT)
Acrobat (207K/PDF)
Mining Remediation Technology Developments and Information Resources
Walt Kovalick, Jr. (United States) |
PowerPoint (3MB/PPT)
Acrobat (3MB/PDF)
Remediation Techniques in the Largest Mercury Mining District of the World
Pablo L. Higueras (Spain) |
PowerPoint (14MB/PPT)
Acrobat (1MB/PDF)
Rosia Montana Gold Corporation Environmental Management
John Aston (United States) |
PowerPoint (11MB/PPT)
Acrobat (2MB/PDF)
Selection of Remediation Measures for Abandoned Mine Sites
Michael Nahir, Daryl Hockley (Canada) |
PowerPoint (8MB/PPT)
Acrobat (655K/PDF)