Emerging Drivers for Cleantech Investments
Sponsored by: U.S. EPA Region 5
Originally Held September 24, 2009, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, EDT (15:00-17:00 GMT)
The purpose of the meeting is to briefly explain EPA's current efforts to support the introduction of new environmental technologies, outline some current technology needs and future regulatory drivers, and, most importantly, get your feedback on the best ways to continue a dialogue with investors who follow the cleantech "space". Because we know your time is extremely valuable, the agenda outlines several relatively short background presentations, followed by the main discussion of environmental technology needs and of a draft digest of protected regulations that could drive new markets. We are grateful to have three panelists from the investment community from across our six Great Lakes region to start the discussion rolling.
As further background for this roundtable, EPA recognizes the important contributions that new technologies have made in the past to the pace of environmental improvement. Accelerating the pace of such innovation holds great promise for many of our new challenges. Building on an outside advisory committee's recommendations (and a subsequent meeting in November 2008), EPA headquarters and several regional offices are seeking out investors to hear whether and how we can sharpen the understanding of current needs and future market opportunities for environmentally related technologies.

Page Last Modified: September 16, 2009