Jörg Frauenstein and Maike Hauschild

Jörg Frauenstein and Maike HauschildMaike Hauschild coordinates and manages European projects in the field of soil and groundwater protection for the Federal Environmental Agency Germany (UBA). She is project manager and content manager of the EUGRIS project (Portal for Soil and Water Management in Europe), core group member of the SNOWMAN ERA-NET network (Network of National Research Funders collaborating on a transnational call in Europe) and the German ambassador of the EURODEMO co-ordination action (European Co-ordination Action for Demonstration of Efficient Soil and Groundwater Remediation). Prior to serving in state government, Ms. Hauschild gained over 6 years professional experience in international research and consultancy in the fields of developing a water information system, water management modeling, sustainable development, scenario techniques, e-business, public relations and project management. She is graduated in geo-ecology at the Technical University of Braunschweig, focusing on systems analysis, soil science and hydrology.

Email address: joerg.frauenstein@uba.de