Towards a better science-policy integration in the field of groundwater-soil interfaces

The parallel development of the new Groundwater Directive (daughter directive to the Water Framework Directive) and of the Soil Thematic Strategy (which will likely lead to a Soil Framework Directive) generates a large span of consultation activities involving various stakeholders (environmental ministries or agencies, industrial associations, greens, agricultural associations, scientific stakeholders etc.). Besides the recognised need to ensure consistency among the different EU legislations, e.g. landfill, sewage sludge, nitrates, pesticides etc. directives, with the directives under development, the consultations have highlighted the need for a better integration of scientific outputs into the policy development. On-going Research and Technological Development (RTD) projects illustrate well what would be the benefit of timely integrating scientific results into groundwater and soil policy-making, in particular concerning the knowledge of soil-groundwater interface. However, the dialogue among the scientific and policy communities is often not sufficient to ensure such integration. In this respect, efforts are being made to establish stronger cooperation among key RTD projects and policy-makers in charge of groundwater/soil policy. In addition, a web interface is under development to facilitate the transfer of scientific information to policy and other stakeholders (WISE-RTD interface). This presentation will briefly report on the key features of EU groundwater and soil policies (which are presented in more details in other sessions of Consoil'2005) and will provide examples of links among RTD projects and those policies. A vision for a "science-policy interfacing mechanism" will be presented as a conclusion.