I. Today's Presentation and References |
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II. Additional Information |
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Methodology for Understanding and Reducing a Project's Environmental Footprint |
Visit Green Remediation Focus on CLU-IN |
Understand the EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Principles for Greener Cleanups |
Examine results from three pilot studies using EPA's footprint assessment methodology |
Learn about EPA's Green Remediation Best Management Practices: Fact Sheets on Specific Remedies and Other Key Issues |
Read about key actions in EPA's Superfund Green Remediation Strategy |
Access EPA regional policies for greener cleanups |
View 28 profiles of green remediation strategies |
Consider the Greener Cleanups Contracting and Administrative Toolkit mechanisms |
III. Rebroadcast of Other Internet Seminars and Training
Opportunities |
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announcements of upcoming seminars and the archives of past
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ListServ and be notified of future unrestricted Internet seminars |
You may also be interested in the following related archives: |
Earth Day Green Remediation Panel Session (April 22, 2008) |
ConSoil 2008 Special Session: Green Remediation (June 5, 2008) |
Green Remediation: Opening the Door to Field Use Session A (Introduction and Carbon Calculus: A RCRA Case Study) (November 24, 2008) |
USEPA-ILEPA Green Remediation Update (December 3, 2008) |
Green Remediation: Opening the Door to Field Use Session B (Green Remediation Tools and Examples) (December 16, 2008) |
Green Remediation: Opening the Door to Field Use Session C (Green Remediation Tools and Examples) (January 13, 2009) |
Green Remediation Voluntary Standards Initiative (March 4, 2009) |
Tackling the Carbon Footprint at Pump and Treat Projects: A Case Study in Energy Efficiency (March 10, 2009) |
Green Remediation: Applying Strategies in the Field - Session 1 of 3 (October 8, 2009) |
Green Remediation: Applying Strategies in the Field - Session 2 of 3 (November 12, 2009) |
Green Remediation: Applying Strategies in the Field - Session 3 of 3 (December 15, 2009) |
US and EU Perspectives on Green and Sustainable Remediation (July 12, 2010) |
Identifying & Evaluating Ecosystem Services at Contaminated Sites Prior to Remediation (August 18, 2010) |
Session 1 of 3: Your Role in Green Remediation Implementation and Case Studies in Green Remediation - This Year's Models and Tools (The 2010 NARPM Green Remediation Session Follow-on Webinars) (December 8, 2010) |
Session 2 of 3: Your Role in Green Remediation Implementation and Case Studies in Green Remediation - This Year's Models and Tools (The 2010 NARPM Green Remediation Session Follow-on Webinars) (January 11, 2011) |
Session 3 of 3: Your Role in Green Remediation Implementation and Case Studies in Green Remediation - This Year's Models and Tools (The 2010 NARPM Green Remediation Session Follow-on Webinars) (February 10, 2011) |
US and EU Perspectives on Green and Sustainable Remediation Part 2 (March 15, 2011) |
Estimating Environmental Footprints Using SEFA (Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis) (August 22, 2013) |
Sustainable Remediation (April 15, 2014) |
ASTM Greener Cleanup Standard Guide: An Introduction (April 25, 2014) |
Estimating Environmental Footprints Using SEFA (Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis) (October 28, 2014) |
Progress in Research: TCE, PCBs, and Phthalates - Exposure, Mechanisms of Disease, and Clean-Up Remedies (August 24, 2015) |