U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Leveraging Resources for Brownfields Revitalization

Sponsored by: U.S. EPA Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization

Archived: Tuesday, July 26, 2016
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Leveraging Resources for Brownfields Revitalization


1 Hour, 30 Minutes

U.S. EPA Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization

This is the first in OBLR's webinar series exploring what communities need to know to successfully leverage their available resources to successfully meet their brownfields revitalization challenges. This webinar will discuss available tools and focus on Dubuque, Iowa’s successful efforts to leverage its own resources to attract other federal, state, public and private sources of funding and technical assistance.


Patricia Overmeyer, U.S. EPA Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (

Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager, City of Dubuque, IA (

Maurice Jones, Economic Development Director, City of Dubuque, IA (


Matt Ward, CEO, Sustainable Strategies DC (

Michael AdamMichael Adam, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (
As a Triad advocate, Mike directed the final production of the Management and Interpretation of Data Under a Triad Approach. For the Technology Innovation Program (TIP), Mike serves as POC for various issues and initiatives such as Vapor Intrusion, Decision Support Tools, and the Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century initiative; and is part of the CLUIN management team. Mike has graduate degrees in Plant Physiology (2000, Iowa State) and Environmental Engineering (2003, Nebraska-Lincoln), and was a staff Research Assistant in Environmental Soil Science at Nebraska-Lincoln before joining the Technology Innovation Program at the EPA in late 2004.

Webinar Slides and References:

Additional Resources:

  • Setting the Stage for Leveraging Resources for Brownfields Revitalization: This guide was developed by EPA to assist communities in overcoming the challenges of making sound investment decisions to attract additional resources for brownfields redevelopment projects and community revitalization. Sound initial investments of local funds can open opportunities for additional public funds and attract the interest and support of outside investors and lead to additional funding.
  • 2015 Brownfields Federal Programs Guide: This document illustrates how the Brownfields Program does more than simply address environmental contamination—it recognizes that a community's quality of life goes hand-in-hand with economic development and sustainability, and encourages communities to develop and implement their own vision for community revitalization.
  • EPA Brownfields Program
  • EPA Land Revitalization Program
  • Superfund Community Involvement Tools and Resources: This page provides links to the Superfund Community Involvement Toolkit and Handbook, as well as additional resources and information on how to use them.
  • Types of Brownfields Grant Funding: EPA's Brownfields program provides direct funding for Brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, and environmental job training. This page describes each of the grant programs, and provides information on availability, requirements, and how to apply.
  • Land Revitalization Program Tools for Communities: This fact sheet highlights some of the tools that have resulted from the regional community-based projects undertaken with assistance from the Land Revitalization Program. These useful tools can be adapted for use in other communities.
  • Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities: EPA is committed to providing technical assistance and resources to help small, rural, environmental justice, and other community stakeholders with the necessary technical assistance to aid in the assessment and cleanup of Brownfields properties. This page describes programs that currently provide this type of assistance and conduct research projects designed to help communities address brownfields.
  • ATSDR Brownfield/Land Use Health Initiative: Community health considerations are important parts of ATSDR's land revitalization activities. As such, through its Brownfields/Land Reuse Health Initiative, ATSDR works to promote a well-rounded approach to redevelopment, include health as an important part of redevelopment, grow community resources to promote health, measure changes in community health, encourage early community involvement in decision making, restore and revitalize communities in a way that is fair to all community groups, promote relationships among, agencies, partners, and communities, and improve ways to talk about health and environmental risks.

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If you have a suggested topic or idea for a future CLU-IN internet seminar, please contact:

Jean Balent
Technology Integration and Information Branch

PH: 202-566-0832 | Email:
Michael Adam
Technology Integration and Information Branch

PH: 202-566-0875 | Email: