Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Session 1 - Site Characterization
Sponsored by: US EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD)'s Office of Science Policy
Archived: Monday, October 21, 2019
The US EPA Office of Research and Development / Office of Science Policy (ORD/OSP) in cooperation with the Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) is sponsoring a 4-part virtual workshop series to address current challenges at contaminated sediment sites. The aim of the virtual workshop is to provide interactive discussions between subject matter expert panelists and workshop participants. Consequently, each virtual session will feature brief topic introductions by panelists followed by facilitated panelist/participant discussions which will include opportunities for questions and answers, brainstorming, identification of concerns and research needs, and quick spot surveys. If you have a contaminated sediment site, this is the virtual workshop for you!
Proper characterization of a contaminated sediment site is crucial to the success of future actions taken at the site. The first session will address the following topics:
- Selection of appropriate models and estimated model level of effort,
- Use of the incremental sampling (IS) method at sediment sites, and
- Passive sampling of pore water and a discussion of its limitations.
- Dr. Rainer Lohmann (University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography)
Abstract: Passive Sampling of Porewater, Including Limitations
Passive sampling of porewater at contaminated sites has emerged as a very powerful approach to assess the bioavailability of organic contaminants, and as a means to monitor remediation effectiveness. Initially, passive sampler of porewater was primarily performed via sediment equilibration in the laboratory (ex situ). More recent research is exploring ways of deploying passive porewater samplers in the field (in situ), and how to interpret those results. The use of performance reference compounds is needed for in situ deployments, and is encouraged for ex situ equilibrations. Good agreement as typically been observed between both approaches, although bioirrigation can cause a depletion of porewater concentrations in situ. A recent comparison of (academic) laboratories suggests that analytical variability and lack of a common method is hampering better agreement between different passive samplers. Overall, though, passive samplers can be used to determine spatial and temporal variability in sediment, as would be needed for clean-up design and post-remediation monitoring of contaminated sites. - Matthew Neal and Marvin Heskett (Element Environmental, LLC)
Abstract: Utilizing a Multi Increment Sampling Approach to Assess Sediment Contaminants
Characterization of sediments for environmental contaminants presents unique challenges. The most significant of these is the inherent heterogeneity of contaminant distribution in the marine environment. Visual assessment of sample decision units is nearly impossible, as is predicting the composition of the sediments to be sampled prior to conducting an investigation. Particle size and depositional layers can vary significantly in relatively small areas. In order to reduce the variability in sample collection and analysis, a Multi Increment Sampling approach was utilized to collect bulk sediment samples for site characterization at several locations in Hawaii and other Pacific Island locations.
Element Environmental applied and adopted methods for the collection of sediments for site characterization consistent with the State of Hawaii Hazzard Evaluation Emergency Response Technical Guidance Manual at several locations throughout Hawaii and other Pacific Island locations. Case studies of selected locations are presented in detail, describing tooling and methods for successfully obtaining Multi Increment Samples. - Donald F. Hayes, Ph.D., PE, BCEE, F. ASCE (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
Models are essential tools in developing, executing, and monitoring remedial actions at contaminated sediment sites. Minimizing the time and cost associated with modeling requires careful selection of the appropriate model and modeling team. This presentation will address these issues through discussions on questions that drive modeling, the level of analysis needed, model use, and a Top 10 List of modeling related issues.
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Dr. Rainer Lohmann, University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography ( or 401-874-6612)
Dr. Rainer Lohmann is Professor of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography. With funding from NSF, NIH, SERDP and private foundations, his group conducts research into the sources, transport, and bioaccumulation of anthropogenic pollutants. Lohmann initiated a global effort to monitor organic contaminants in the waters of the world, termed AQUA-GAPS, which started field trials in 2016. Within URI, Lohmann offers graduate classes in "Environmental Organic Chemistry", "Organic Geochemistry" and "Introduction to Marine Pollution".
Lohmann has published over 100 peer-reviewed publications and serves as Editor for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. He is also on the Editorial Boards for Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Pollution and Environmental Science and Technology Letters, among others.
As the Director of the URI Superfund Research Center STEEP (Sources, Transport, Exposure and Effects of PFASs), Lohmann oversees and guides the Center, together with co-Director Philippe Grandjean (Harvard University). As leader of Project 4, Lohmann develops and validates novel sampling approaches for PFASs based on passive sampling of these pollutants. These will be field tested in collaboration with Laurel Schaider (Silent Spring Institute, CEC and Project 4) and Elsie Sunderland (Harvard University, Project 1).
Lohmann obtained a PhD in Environmental Science from Lancaster University (UK) in 1999, and a BSc in Chemical Engineering from EHICS (Strasbourg, France) in 1996. After his PhD Lohmann was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT's Parson's laboratory and had fellowship appointments both the University of Bremen and the Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology (Hamburg). Lohmann received the Roy F. Weston Environmental Chemistry Award by Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry in 2006. In 2010/11, Lohmann was named a fellow of the "Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation", and a visiting fellow of India's National Institute of Oceanography and Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
Dr. Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (
Dr. Todd Bridges is the U.S. Army's Senior Research Scientist for Environmental Science. His responsibilities include leading research, development and environmental initiatives for the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Dr. Bridges is the National Lead for USACE's Engineering With Nature® initiative, which includes a network of research projects, field demonstrations, and communication activities to promote sustainable, resilient infrastructure systems.
His primary areas of research activity at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center concern 1) the science and engineering of sustainable infrastructure development, 2) the development of risk and decision analysis methods applied to water resources infrastructure and environmental systems, and 3) the assessment and management of environmental contaminants.
Dr. Bridges also serves as the Program Manager for the USACE Dredging Operations Environmental Research (DOER) program and the Director of the Center for Contaminated Sediments and serves as Chair of the Environmental Commission in the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), which is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
Matthew Neal, Element Environmental, LLC
Matthew Neal is an Environmental Scientist and partner at Element Environmental, LLC. Matthew has worked in the environmental field for over 20 years, primarily in Hawaii and the greater Pacific on a wide variety of sites/projects. Matthew specializes in site characterizations, investigations, assessments and remediations in remote, logistically challenging locations and has worked closely with both regulators and clients in development and completion of numerous ISM-related projects. Matthew enjoys spending time with his wife and children and is an avid outdoorsman, enjoying the many outdoor recreational opportunities that Hawaii has to offer.
Marvin Heskett, Element Environmental, LLC
Marvin Heskett is currently a practicing environmental consultant and an environmental chemist. Marvin received a B.S. in biochemistry from California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo and has extensive experience with analytical laboratories as a mass spec. chemist, quality assurance officer, and laboratory director prior to taking on the role of a consultant. As a consultant he has worked with the State of Hawaii Department of Health in innovating novel approaches to solving environmental problems throughout the Pacific Region. Marvin spent several years developing analytical approaches to perform multi incremental sampling in the field and laboratory. He attended several workshops with EnviroStat, Inc. and worked with Chuck Ramsey, Roger Brewer and John Peard to develop laboratory protocols for the state of Hawaii Technical Guidance and has performed the methods on thousands of samples. Marvin has provided presentations and posters at the Battelle Chlorinated Conference and has taught short courses on the subject at Battelle and for the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. He has participated in studies and has co-authored several papers on soil heterogeneity. Marvin has worked on several projects, helping to develop MIS applications on sediments and in the marine environment. Marvin enjoys life as a father and husband. Marvin is an active member of the Honolulu community, having served on the Palolo Neighborhood Board and as the chairperson for the Surfrider Foundation Oahu Chapter and is avid surfer and bodysurfer.
Donald F. Hayes, Ph.D., PE, BCEE, F. ASCE, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (
Dr. Donald Hayes is a Research Environmental Engineer in the Environmental Laboratory of the US Army Corps of Engineers' Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, MS. He began his career at ERDC in 1982. Between 1991 and 2018, he held academic and administrative appointments at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, the University of Utah, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Hayes returned to ERDC in July 2018.
Dr. Hayes holds BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering from Mississippi State University and a PhD in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University with an emphasis in Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Nevada, a Diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, on the Board of Directors of the Western Dredging Association, and editor of the Journal of Dredging Engineering.
Dr. Hayes' research interests are environmental impacts associated with dredging and sediment placement, particularly contaminated sediment management, wetland restoration, systems applications in water resources management, and water quality issues. He has published widely on these topics and holds multiple patents. Dr. Hayes has extensive consulting experience, especially on large contaminated sediment sites. He has testified as an expert witness for many and worked as an expert consultant to the US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of Justice, US Army Corps of Engineers, multiple state agencies, and numerous private industries.
Dr. Hayes has served on numerous national-level committees and panels for the National Science Foundation, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Army Corps of Engineers, US National Resources Conservation Service, and the National Academy of Engineering. He has also organized a number of national and international conferences and workshops.
Paul R. Schroeder, PhD, PE, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (
Paul R. Schroeder serves as the Sediment Management Team Leader in the Environmental Laboratory where he has worked on hundreds of projects related to sediment remediation, evaluation of environment effects of dredging operations, modeling contaminant losses, dredged material management, and sediment engineering over the last 40 years. He has co-authored more than 200 publications and presentations in the area of dredging and dredged material disposal and remediation of contaminated sediments, including the current USACE and USEPA guidance documents for subaqueous capping, sediment testing, evaluation of dredged material management alternatives, dredging and dredged material disposal, and environmental dredging for sediment remediation. Additionally, he has developed 10 models for the ADDAMS dredging toolbox for evaluating and managing dredged material.
Earl J. Hayter, Ph.D., U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (
Dr. Earl Hayter is a Research Civil Engineer in the Environmental Laboratory of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, MS where he has worked since 2008. He began his career in 1984 as a faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University, Clemson, SC. In 1999 he became a Research Environmental Engineer at EPA's Ecosystem Research Division in Athens, GA where he worked until 2008. His expertise is in developing and applying hydrodynamic, sediment transport and contaminant transport and fate numerical models. He is a member of EPA's Contaminated Sediment Technical Advisory Group (CSTAG), and has provided technical assistance related to modeling to RPMs at more than 30 contaminated sediment sites.
Joseph Gailani, U.S. Army Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory (
Joseph Gailani is a Research Hydraulic Engineer at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory in Vicksburg Mississippi. He has over 30 years of R&D experience is sediment transport processes, with specific emphasis on dredged sediment management, exposure estimates for risk characterization, beneficial use, contaminated sediment remediation, and sustainable solutions for sediment management. He holds a PhD from the University of California at Santa Barbara as well as MS and BS degrees in Applied Mathematics from Northwestern University. Dr Gailani is the focus area lead for Sediment and Dredging Processes in the Dredging Operations Environmental Research Program (DOER). In this role, he leads a research team developing innovative methods to manage dredged sediment and increase beneficial use. Dr Gailani has significant experience in evaluating Superfund sites. He has been part of a team evaluating sediment stability and exposure to contaminated sediments for multiple Superfund sites since 1989.
Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division ( or 202-566-0832)
Ms Balent is on the staff of the EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division where she has worked to collect and disseminate hazardous waste remediation and characterization information since 2003. Ms Balent manages the Clean Up Information Network website and actively supports online communication and collaboration resources available to EPA. She formerly worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Engineering Division in the Buffalo District. Ms Balent was also a member of the SUNY-Buffalo Groundwater Research Group where she constructed and tested large scale models of groundwater flow. Ms Balent has also conducted research relating to the Great Lakes, environmental remediation, and brownfields re-development. She holds a Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering from SUNY-Buffalo and a Master's degree in Information Technology from AIU.
James Rice, ICF International Inc. (
Mr. Rice is Senior Geologist at ICF with more than 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Mr. Rice has been involved in a wide range of environmental investigation, assessment and remediation projects for EPA, DOD, DOE and commercial clients using traditional and innovative tools and approaches. He currently provides technical support to EPA OSRTI with optimization and technology innovation and integration where he helps site teams improve characterization and remediation by applying best practices such as systematic planning, 3-dimensional visualization and analysis, high resolution site characterization and CSM development. Mr. Rice also develops and delivers technical training for several EPA courses including Incremental Sampling, Best Practices in Site Characterization through the Remedial Process, and High Resolution Site Characterization.
Webinar Slides and References:
Introduction by Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (1.54MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for James Rice, ICF International Inc. (245KB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Donald F. Hayes, Paul R. Schroeder, Earl J. Hayter, Dr. Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (6.80MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Matthew Neal and Marvin Heskett, Element Environmental, LLC (9.98MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Rainer Lohmann, University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography (4.54MB/PDF)
Closing by Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (298KB/PDF)
Webinar Slides and References:
Introduction by Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (1.54MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for James Rice, ICF International Inc. (245KB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Donald F. Hayes, Paul R. Schroeder, Earl J. Hayter, Dr. Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (6.80MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Matthew Neal and Marvin Heskett, Element Environmental, LLC (9.98MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Rainer Lohmann, University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography (4.54MB/PDF)
Closing by Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (298KB/PDF)
Additional Resources:
Understanding the Use of Models in Predicting the Effectiveness of Proposed Remedial Actions at Superfund Sediment Sites
- Superfund Contaminated Sediments: Guidance and Technical Support
- Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) Incremental Sampling Methodology Document
- Technical Guidance Manual for the Implementation of the Hawai'i State Contingency Plan
Laboratory, Field, and Analytical Procedures for Using Passive Sampling in the Evaluation of Contaminated Sediments: User's Manual
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