Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Session 4 - Long-Term Monitoring
Sponsored by: US EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD)'s Office of Science Policy
Archived: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The US EPA Office of Research and Development / Office of Science Policy (ORD/OSP) in cooperation with the Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) is sponsoring a 4-part virtual workshop series to address current challenges at contaminated sediment sites. The aim of the virtual workshop is to provide interactive discussions between subject matter expert panelists and workshop participants. Consequently, each virtual session will feature brief topic introductions by panelists followed by facilitated panelist/participant discussions which will include opportunities for questions and answers, brainstorming, identification of concerns and research needs, and quick spot surveys. If you have a contaminated sediment site, this is the virtual workshop for you!
Update: Based on the high interest in this series and feedback, the event has been extended to allow for more time questions with the presenters. All scheduled presentations with brief Q&A periods will be delivered as planned during the original time from 1 to 2:30pm eastern. Immediately following the scheduled presentations, presenters will remain on the webinar for an additional 30 minutes to address more questions and comments from the participants. If you are unable to stay on for the additional Q&A time, please know the entire event will be recorded and available to playback on demand including the additional Q&A time.
The fourth session will focus on long-term monitoring to determine the effectiveness of the selected remedy and to assess the ecological recovery of the sediment area. The fourth session will discuss the following topics:
- Developing and using surface weighted average concentrations (SWAC),
- Passive sampling to assess remedy effectiveness, and
- Use of recently developed pore water remedial goals (PWRG) for ecological recovery monitoring at a sediment site.
Upcoming Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Series Webinars
Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Series Archives
- Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Session 4 - Long-Term Monitoring (Nov 20, 2019)
- Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Session 3 - Remediation Technologies (Nov 13, 2019)
- Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Session 2 - Risk Assessment (Oct 30, 2019)
- Contaminated Sediments Virtual Workshop Session 1 - Site Characterization (Oct 21, 2019)
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This webinar is intended solely to provide information to the public. The views and opinions expressed as part of this webinar do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is not intended, nor can it be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States, or to endorse the use of products or services provided by specific vendors. With respect to this webinar, neither the United States Government nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
John W. Kern, Kern Statistical Services, Inc. ( or 320-281-0676)
John W. Kern is the Owner of Kern Statistical Services, Inc. providing geostatistical and general statistical services for remedial project managers, risk assessors/managers, wildlife biologists and ecologists and research. Dr. Kern specializes in development and application of statistical methods to solve difficult applied problems in contaminated soil and sediment management, study design, environmental regulation and compliance, wildlife management and impact assessment.
Rob Burgess, EPA Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL) ( or 401-782-3106)
Dr. Robert M Burgess is a Research Physical Scientist employed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Office of Research and Development Atlantic Ecology Division in Narragansett, Rhode Island, USA. His current research focuses on better understanding the partitioning and bioavailability of organic and metal contaminants in the environment; specifically, this research emphasizes the use of passive samplers for measuring the bioavailability of legacy and emerging contaminants, including nanomaterials, in the marine environment. Overall, Dr. Burgess' research attempts to provide useful and accurate scientific information to regulators and environmental managers for making informed decisions. He has contributed to the authorship of approximately 90 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, most of which are related to geochemistry, sediment contamination and aspects of ecological risk assessment. Dr. Burgess received a Masters degree in Biological Oceanography and Ph.D in Chemical Oceanography from the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Oceanography.
Lawrence Burkhard, US EPA Office of Research and Development ( or 218-529-5164)
Lawrence Burkhard is a Research Chemist employed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Office of Research and Development, Mid-Continent Ecology Division in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. He has been with the Agency for 30 years. His current research areas are the bioconcentration and bioaccumulation of organic contaminants by benthic invertebrates and fish, food web modeling and trophic magnification of contaminants in aquatic food webs, development of remedial goals based upon concentrations of the contaminants in sediment porewater, and the uptake of super hydrophobic chemicals by benthic invertebrates and fish. He has experience in food web modeling at Superfund sites, in the analysis of environmental samples for organic contaminants, and TIE methodologies for identifying toxicants in sediments and water. He is a member of OLEM's (Superfund) CSTAG and co-chair of SETAC's bioaccumulation science interest group (BSIG).
Marc Mills, EPA Office of Research and Development ( or 513-569-7322)
Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division ( or 202-566-0832)
Ms Balent is on the staff of the EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division where she has worked to collect and disseminate hazardous waste remediation and characterization information since 2003. Ms Balent manages the Clean Up Information Network website and actively supports online communication and collaboration resources available to EPA. She formerly worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Engineering Division in the Buffalo District. Ms Balent was also a member of the SUNY-Buffalo Groundwater Research Group where she constructed and tested large scale models of groundwater flow. Ms Balent has also conducted research relating to the Great Lakes, environmental remediation, and brownfields re-development. She holds a Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering from SUNY-Buffalo and a Master's degree in Information Technology from AIU.
James Rice, ICF International Inc. (
Mr. Rice is Senior Geologist at ICF with more than 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Mr. Rice has been involved in a wide range of environmental investigation, assessment and remediation projects for EPA, DOD, DOE and commercial clients using traditional and innovative tools and approaches. He currently provides technical support to EPA OSRTI with optimization and technology innovation and integration where he helps site teams improve characterization and remediation by applying best practices such as systematic planning, 3-dimensional visualization and analysis, high resolution site characterization and CSM development. Mr. Rice also develops and delivers technical training for several EPA courses including Incremental Sampling, Best Practices in Site Characterization through the Remedial Process, and High Resolution Site Characterization.
Webinar Slides and References:
Slide Presentation for James Rice, ICF International Inc. (253KB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for John W. Kern, Kern Statistical Services, Inc. (4.34MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Rob Burgess, EPA Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (5.03MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Lawrence Burkhard, US EPA Office of Research and Development (748KB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Marc Mills, EPA Office of Research and Development (24.1MB/PDF)
Webinar Slides and References:
Slide Presentation for James Rice, ICF International Inc. (253KB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for John W. Kern, Kern Statistical Services, Inc. (4.34MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Rob Burgess, EPA Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (5.03MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Lawrence Burkhard, US EPA Office of Research and Development (748KB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for Marc Mills, EPA Office of Research and Development (24.1MB/PDF)
Additional Resources:
- CLU-IN Issue Area: Sediments
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry journal: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2014 Series (Six papers on passive sampling)
Laboratory, Field, and Analytical Procedures for Using Passive Sampling in the Evaluation of Contaminated Sediments: User's Manual
Developing Sediment Remediation Goals at Superfund Sites Based on Pore Water for the Protection of Benthic Organisms from Direct Toxicity to Non-ionic Organic Contaminants
If you have a suggested topic or idea for a future CLU-IN internet seminar, please contact:
Technology Integration and Information Branch
PH: 202-566-0832 | Email:
Technology Integration and Information Branch
PH: 202-566-0875 | Email: