2021 Design and Construction at Hazardous Waste Sites Virtual Symposium
Sponsored by: Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Philadelphia Post, and US EPA
Archived: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
2021 Design and Construction at Hazardous Waste Sites Virtual Symposium
Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Philadelphia Post, and US EPA
Given the COVID-19 national health emergency and its affects on corporate/government travel policies as well as local/state health requirements, it has become necessary to hold the conference as a remote webinar based event. With the DCHWS Philadelphia Conference being canceled earlier this year, our fall conference will be co-sponsored by the SAME Philadelphia Post, the SAME Denver Metro Post, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Registration for this session closed on March 26. For more information on this session, please visit the sponsor's event website.
Monday, March 29, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT - Groundwater Remediation: In-situ Technology Design and Construction Considerations and Case Studies
Moderator: Rich Evans, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
Wednesday, March 31, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT - Design and Construction Project Management Case Studies
Moderator: Steve Gillespie, Sevenson Environmental Services
Thursday, April 1, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT - Hazardous Waste Remediation: Project Management Tools and Techniques
Moderator: Todd Bragdon, CDM Smith
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Presenters for Panel 1:
In-situ Remediation: Case Studies
Panel Moderator: Rosa Gwinn, AECOM (rosa.gwinn@aecom.com)
Dr. Gwinn has provided technical and project management expertise to private and government clients for nearly 30 years. Her primary focus has been on the characterization and remediation of emerging environmental contaminants including PFAS, chlorinated solvents, explosives, and metals. She has executed and managed multi-million dollar task orders for PFAS, military munitions response, operational range assessments under each phase under CERCLA.
Dr. Gwinn leads AECOM's global PFAS technical practice, focusing on measuring and mitigating PFAS. Additionally, she directs the Regional PFAS Leads and Technology Leads in developing internal resources and sharing those with our wide range of public and private-sector clients. AECOM developed a first-of-its-kind PFAS sampling training, and continues to update it with best practices; we now have over 500 certified PFAS samplers, AECOM's Global PFAS team is developing leading-edge destructive treatment technology for PFAS known as DE-FLUORO™.
Paul Dombrowski, ISOTEC Remediation Technologies, Inc (pdombrowski@isotec-inc.com or 9179712956)
Paul Dombrowski, Senior Remediation Engineer at ISOTEC Remediation Technologies, Inc. has over 16 years in the environmental industry with experience in hazardous waste site investigation and remediation, with a focus in designing and implementing in-situ remediation technologies. At ISOTEC, Mr. Dombrowski is a technical leader for design, implementation, and management for a full suite of remediation technologies and supports activities to incorporate developing and innovative technologies and approaches to support ISOTEC projects and customers. In addition, Mr. Dombrowski is a Part-Time Lecturer at Tufts University in Medford, MA. He received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering and Master's Degree Environmental Engineering from Manhattan College in New York City. Mr. Dombrowski is a registered Professional Engineer in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Song Jin, Advanced Environmental Technologies LLC (sjin@aetecs.com or 970-449-9711)
Dr. Song Jin is a Principal Scientist at Advanced Environmental Technologies (Fort Collins, CO) and Adjunct Professor at the University of Wyoming. Song has 20+ years of experience in innovation and implementation of remedial technologies. He is one of the pioneers and a leading practitioner in the niche of bioelectrochemical redox techniques for in situ remediation of contaminants. Song received his Ph.D. from the University of Wyoming. He has published 180+ papers in peer-review journals, technical conferences, and book chapters. He also holds 30+ US and international patents. Prior to AET, Song served as a Principal Scientist and consultant at MWH, Western Research Institute, and Trihydro Corporation.
Ben Young, EA Engineering (byoung@eaest.com or 770-789-5736)
Mr. Young is a Registered Professional Engineer with 35 years of experience in performing and managing multidiscipline environmental engineering and consulting work. He has technical expertise and has effectively managed a broad range of environmental projects including assessments, audits, investigation, design, implementation, and operation and maintenance. Mr. Young has extensive regulatory experience in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; solid waste; and other regulatory programs.
Presenters for Panel 2:
In-situ Amendment and Delivery Methods: Design and Construction Considerations
Panel Moderator: Rich Evans, P.E., Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc. (revans@gesonline.com)
Richard Evans, PE, is a Senior Vice President with overall responsibility for Groundwater & Environmental Services' technical practices in the areas of engineering, geology, air quality, drones, and data management and visualization. Richard has selected, designed, implemented, and optimized in-situ injection projects throughout the eastern United States. His in-situ remediation experience includes oxidative, reductive, biological, and stabilization amendment projects for a variety of contaminants. Richard steers project teams to successfully complete a wide range of in-situ projects, from gathering vital characterization data to preparing adaptable designs, and planning and executing the fieldwork safely with real-time responsiveness to site conditions. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and is a licensed professional engineer in multiple jurisdictions.
Mark Strong, P.E., Jacobs Engineering (mark.strong@jacobs.com or 704-340-4378)
Mr. Strong specializes in directional drilling remediation methods and providing innovative solutions to complex environmental remediation challenges, minimizing site disturbance. He has performed design and field oversight for enhanced reductive dechlorination (bioremediation), chemical oxidation/reduction, pneumatic/hydraulic fracturing, electrical resistance heating, vacuum enhanced recovery, air/bio sparging (AS), and soil vapor extraction (SVE). He also has experience in design/project management for remediation and site investigation projects, including work plans, specifications, construction bid documents, cost estimates, health and safety plans, performance contingency plans, and subcontractor management.
Glenn Iosue, P.E., REGENESIS (giosue@regenesis.com or 949-366-8000)
Mr. Glenn Nicholas Iosue, P.E., BCEE has 23 years of remediation experience. He is an expert in soil and groundwater remediation. He holds a B.S. in Bioenvironmental Engineering (Rutgers University), and is a Board Certified Environmental Engineer (Specialty: Environmental Sustainability), and holds Professional Engineer licenses in multiple states. He has significant experience in developing effective technical solutions for Fortune 500 companies, industrial and commercial facilities, and government agencies. This has included in situ sorption, ISCO, ISCR, bioremediation, and other innovative approaches to remediate challenging sites. Mr. Iosue has been involved with numerous projects for both active and abandoned facilities and installations throughout the United States.
Chapman Ross, P.E., FRx, Inc. (cross@frx-inc.com or 617-821-0686)
Chapman Ross is the Director of Technology for FRx, Inc. and is based in Boston, Massachusetts. He has over 20 years of environmental industry experience focused on in situ remediation design and innovative technology development. Chapman is a technical expert in injection methods for in situ treatment, specializing in amendment delivery methods for low-permeability formations (e.g., hydraulic fracturing, direct injection, and high-pressure jetting). He has led the design of remediation projects utilizing chemical oxidation (e.g., permanganate, persulfate, peroxide, and ozone), chemical reduction with zero-valent iron, and enhanced bioremediation. Chapman earned a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in environmental engineering and science, both from Clemson University in South Carolina. Chapman is a certified Professional Engineer (Environmental) in Massachusetts.
Jason C. Ruf, P.G., S2C2, Inc. (jruf@s2c2inc.com or 908-256-2710)
Mr. Ruf is a senior geologist at S2C2 Inc. whose primary responsibility is the management and direction of data visualization services. Mr. Ruf's primary focus has been the integration of data visualization and data management in conjunction with direct-sensing and rapid sampling techniques to optimize site characterization and site evaluations. Mr. Ruf's project experience includes development of complex 3-dimensional (3D) conceptual site models (CSM); including creating depositional based geologic models, 3D statistical analysis of analytical data, and volumetric analysis to assist remedial action design/optimization and ultimately site closure.
Rick Cramer, Burns & McDonnell (rcramer@burnsmcd.com or 714-989-2031)
California licensed Professional Geologist (PG) with over 30 years of environmental experience, serves as the ESS Practice lead with Burns & McDonnell, Brea, CA. He holds a MS degree in geology from University of California, Davis and a BS degree in geology from University of the Pacific. He began his professional career in the petroleum industry, and pioneered the application of sequence stratigraphy to groundwater projects.
Presenters for Panel 3:
Proactive Site Management
Ernest C. Ashley, P.G., CDM Smith (ashleyec@cdmsmith.com or 617-452-6416)
Mr. Ashley is a geologist with over 30 years of experience specializing in hydrogeological, hazardous waste site and sediment investigations He is a Board-Certified Environmental Scientist, a Licensed Site Professional in Massachusetts, a Licensed Environmental Professional in Connecticut and a Professional Geologist in Maine and New York. Ernest Ashley serves as CDM Smith's current Remedial Investigations Discipline Leader.
Paul Favara, P.E., Jacobs
Paul Favara, a Technology Fellow with Jacobs, has over 35 years of remediation experience and is a registered engineer. He specializes in optimization of site cleanup strategies and remediation projects. Paul has provided optimization and changed remedy services to the Army, USACE, Navy, DOE, NASA, and numerous global industrial customers.
E. Matt Germon, P.E., Jacobs (matt.germon@jacobs.com or 802-453-5754)
Mr. Germon is a Principal Technologist with 29 years of experience in environmental remediation, specializing in design, construction, and operation of remediation systems to address petroleum, chlorinated, and emerging contaminant sites utilizing physical, chemical and biological technologies. Mr. Germon serves as the Program Technology Manager for one of Jacobs major programs and leads the Remedial Process Optimization technical community of practice for Jacobs. He has extensive experience testing and implementing remedial technologies at sites across North and South America and Europe. Mr. Germon holds a BSCE from the University of Vermont and is a licensed Professional Engineer in 5 states.
Kate Garufi, EPA OSRTI (garufi.katherine@epa.gov or 703-517-5857)
Kate Garufi, a project management professional, is the Rocky Mountain region remediation lead for HDR based out of Denver, Colorado. In this role, Kate partnerswith federal clients, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and industrial clients on complex remediation projects. Prior to joining HDR, Kate spent 16 years at the EPA Headquarters in the Office of SuperfundRemediation and Technology Innovation. At EPA, she was a Superfund program expert in Superfund site management, design and construction project delivery, and technical project scoping. She holds a master's degree in environmental engineering from John Hopkins University and a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Virginia Tech
Presenters for Panel 4:
Project Risk Management Considerations and Disposal Challenges
Gina Bayer, Jacobs (regina.bayer@jacobs.com or 920.730.9503)
Gina leads Jacob's Contaminated Sediment Practice and serves as Program Manager for the GLAES contracts with the Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office. She has managed three large Fund-lead Superfund site cleanups, and three large Great Lakes Legacy Act sediment projects. Her projects won the Western Dredging Association Environmental Excellence Award twice, and the Engineering News Record Best Project in the Midwest in the Water/Environmental Category. As Practice Lead, Gina monitors trends, technology innovation, and cutting-edge research in the field of contaminated sediment characterization and remediation; connects technical resources to projects; builds and sustains the Sediment Community of Practice within the firm; and encourages partnerships, collaboration, and information exchange with agencies, universities, and vendors.CH
Grant Geckeler, ISOTEC (ggeckeler@isotec-inc.com or 7143126863)
Mr. Grant Geckeler is the Director of Remediation Services at ISOTEC where he focuses his technical efforts on the in-situ treatment of organic compounds and metals, multiple-phase extraction, and emerging PFAS remediation technologies. Grant is based in Southern California, and is responsible for remedial technology assessments, project oversight, and program management. From 2012 through 2020, he also oversaw in- situ thermal remediation projects across North America. Grant is a named inventor of two U.S. patents for remediation technologies.
Steve Gillespie, Sevenson Environmental Services (sgillespie@sevenson.com)
Mr. Gillespie's project management experience with Sevenson Environmental includes 20+ years of cost-reimbursable and firm fixed price HTRW remedial actions at highly visible and complex Region II sites. Under his leadership, projects have achieved over 1,600,000 safe man-hours worked, and been recognized by USACE with Zero Incident Awards and Commander's Certificates of Achievement under CENAP's Liberty From Accidents Program along with the NJ Department of Labor's Governor's Award for Excellence in Safety. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Widener University and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is the currently the Project Manager at Sevenson's Chemours Chambers Works FUSRAP Site in Deepwater, NJ.
John Roberts, PG, Stantec (john.roberts@stantec.com or (215) 805-2516)
John Roberts has a B.S. and an M.S. in geological sciences. He is a Professional Geologist licensed in Pennsylvania and Delaware and has 35 years of experience as an environmental consultant. The major focus of Mr. Roberts' career over the last 20 years has been investigation, remediation and regulatory closure of MGP sites under Pennsylvania's Act 2/Land Recycling Program.
Presenters for Panel 5:
Improving Stakeholder Collaboration: A collection of Case Studies
Todd Bragdon, P.E., CDM Smith (bragdontr@cdmsmith.com)
Mr. Todd Bragdon P.E., CDM Smith Inc.: Mr. Bragdon is a Vice President and Federal client service leader with 25 years of engineering experience in project management, environmental investigation, and remediation. Mr. Bragdon is a professional engineer with remediation experience including abandoned mine environmental assessment and cleanup projects for various government clients including the State of Colorado and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Regions 6, 8, and 10. His responsibilities include directing projects that evaluate and select efficient and cost-effective remedial technologies, pilot-testing design and implementation, and designing, permitting, and providing construction management support for various remedial actions. He has a B.S. in civil engineering from the University of Colorado (1992) and an M.S. in civil/environmental engineering from the University of Cincinnati (1997).
Amy Callaway, P.G., PMP, Black & Veatch (callawayam@bv.com or 7705218130)
Amy Callaway is a Project Manager for Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. in Atlanta, Georgia. She has worked as a Project Manager and/or project geologist for Black & Veatch for 15 years. Her work has involved site investigation and remediation at 30+ Superfund/NPL Sites, Department of Defense facilities, and State facilities. Amy's area of expertise is in CERCLA site characterization and advanced site characterization tools. She received a Bachelor's degree in Geology from Georgia Southern University and a Master's in Geology from Texas Christian University. Amy is a Licensed PG in Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida.
Junchul (JC) Kim, Ph.D, P.E., Tetra Tech, Inc. (jc.kim@tetratech.com or (610)382-1534)
Dr. JC Kim is a Sr. Project Manager with Tetra Tech, Inc. He has MS and Ph.D. degrees in environmental engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Pittsburgh, respectively. His expertise includes landfill cover and leachate/gas collection system design, anaerobic digester design, site remediation, and regulatory compliance support. Dr. Kim has worked on many Superfund sites, emphasizing consensus-based solutions at publicly sensitive sites. He has extensive experience with remedial investigations, feasibility studies, remedial design, water and wastewater treatment, and leachate and landfill gas management strategies (e.g., for bioreactor landfills) for both public and private clients.
Presenters for Panel 6:
Young Professional Event - Moving up to Project Manager
Daniel Amate, P.E., GZA (daniel.amate@gza.com)
Mr. Amate has more than 18 years of professional experience in design and construction management of soil, sediment and groundwater remediation projects at former manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites, Superfund Sites (EPA Regions 2 and 3), and manufacturing facilities. He is responsible for the selection, design, permitting, and implementation of Remedial Actions in challenging regulatory and physical environments with project experience in New York City, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He also has experience in storm water management; geotechnical investigations; geotechnical instrumentation installation, monitoring, and data interpretation; retaining wall design and installation; slurry wall, deep soil mix wall and jet grouting design and construction; dam inspection; and landfill construction, design, and permitting
Gordon Araujo, UGI Utilities (garaujo@ugi.com)
Mr. Araujo has 14 years of experience in the environmental industry and has focused on the characterization of contaminated sites, the operations of various treatment methodologies, and the design and implementation of remedial strategies. In Mr. Araujo's Environmental Engineer II position at UGI Utilities, Inc., he manages the implementation of the Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Program. Mr. Araujo has a BS in Chemical Engineering from Bucknell University, a MS in Environmental Engineering Bucknell University, and is an Engineer in Training in Pennsylvania.
Monica Fulkerson, P.E., Jacobs Engineering (monica.fulkerson@jacobs.com)
Monica Fulkerson is a Senior Environmental Engineer with Jacobs (formerly CH2M) since 2006. Monica is located in Charlotte, NC and is a licensed PE in North Carolina. She has 17 years of experience and serves as a Senior Technical Consultant, Design Manager, and Project Manager, specializing in site management and remediation projects. Monica has a B.S. and an M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Virginia Tech.
Mark Greshon, P.E., PMP, Temple University (mark.greshon@temple.edu)
Mark Gershon is the Chairman of the Department of Operations Management at Temple University. He earned his BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, his MS in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona, and his Ph.D. in Systems Engineering, also from Arizona. He is a registered Professional Engineer, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, and a certified Project Management Professional. He began his career with the US Army ARRADCOM Project Management Office as a Quality and Reliability Engineer, where he designed and implemented quality design and analysis programs for weapons systems and production equipment. After spending three years with Control Data as a Project Manager for their Mining Division, he joined the faculty at Temple. At Temple, he teaches the courses in Operations Management, Project Management, and Quality Management (Lean Six Sigma). He has written three textbooks, and many research articles. He founded the World Class Training Institute for his consulting, which focuses on project management and process improvement, with clients in many industries and many countries. He is the recipient of the Lindback Award for outstanding teaching.
Dustin Kapson, LSRP, AKRF, Inc (dkapson@akrf.com)
Dustin Kapson is a Project Manager with the Environmental Planning and Engineering firm AKRF. Dustin takes pride in being a seller/doer with his technical expertise in environmental assessment and remediation to reuse brownfield sites. Mr. Kapson acts in both leading and supporting roles serving Transportation, Energy, Government, Commercial, and Residential clients as a professional consultant in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Mr. Kapson is a Young Professional member and recently elected board member of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Philadelphia Post and a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) in New Jersey. Mr. Kapson holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Bucknell University and a MS in Environmental Engineering from Manhattan College. Mr. Kapson has a particular interest in mentoring those that are new to the industry. Dustin's recent initiatives are geared toward harnessing 'big data' to optimize remedial performance to promote the health of the built and natural environments.
Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (balent.jean@epa.gov or 202-566-0832)
Ms Balent is on the staff of the EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division where she has worked to collect and disseminate hazardous waste remediation and characterization information since 2003. Ms Balent manages the Clean Up Information Network website and actively supports online communication and collaboration resources available to EPA. She formerly worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Engineering Division in the Buffalo District. Ms Balent was also a member of the SUNY-Buffalo Groundwater Research Group where she constructed and tested large scale models of groundwater flow. Ms Balent has also conducted research relating to the Great Lakes, environmental remediation, and brownfields re-development. She holds a Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering from SUNY-Buffalo and a Master's degree in Information Technology from AIU.
Webinar Slides and References:
- Slide Presentation for Paul M. Dombrowski, P.E., ISOTEC.
- Slide Presentation for Song Jin, Ph.D., CHMM; AETECS
- Slide Presentation for Benjamin Young, P.E.; EA Engineering
- Slide Presentation for Ernest Ashley, P.G.; CDM Smith
- Slide Presentation for Paul Favara, P.E., Jacobs
- Slide Presentation for E. Matt Germon, P.E.; Jacobs
- Slide Presentation for Gina Bayer, Jacobs
- Slide Presentation for Grant Geckeler, ISOTEC
- Slide Presentation for John Roberts, P.G.; Stantec
Webinar Slides and References:
- Slide Presentation for Paul M. Dombrowski, P.E., ISOTEC.
- Slide Presentation for Song Jin, Ph.D., CHMM; AETECS
- Slide Presentation for Benjamin Young, P.E.; EA Engineering
- Slide Presentation for Ernest Ashley, P.G.; CDM Smith
- Slide Presentation for Paul Favara, P.E., Jacobs
- Slide Presentation for E. Matt Germon, P.E.; Jacobs
- Slide Presentation for Gina Bayer, Jacobs
- Slide Presentation for Grant Geckeler, ISOTEC
- Slide Presentation for John Roberts, P.G.; Stantec
- Slide Presentation for Amy Callaway, P.G., PMP; Black & Veatch
- Slide Presentation for JC Kim Ph.D., P.E.; Tetra Tech
- Slide Presentation for David Russell, P.E., BCEE, LSRP; AECOM
Additional Resources:
If you have a suggested topic or idea for a future CLU-IN internet seminar, please contact:
Technology Integration and Information Branch
PH: 202-566-0832 | Email: balent.jean@epa.gov
Technology Integration and Information Branch
PH: 202-566-0875 | Email: adam.michael@epa.gov