State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Site Profiles
Former Giant Wash, McPherson, Kansas
The site operated as a dry cleaning and laundry facility from 1963 to 1965. An investigations of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) detected in two public water supply (PWS) wells in 1987 and 1989 revealed one source of PCE in the groundwater was attributed to the Tidy Laundry Site but that there was another unidentified contributing site. A directory search in 2000 showed the Giant Wash Laundry located upgradient from one PWS well. In 1995, the City of McPherson installed a Packed tower air stripper system that remediates contaminated water from the PWS wells. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted the site investigation and remediation under the authority of the Kansas Drycleaner Environmental Response Act (DERA). Remediation Status: In active remediation |
Contaminants present and the highest amount
detected in both soil and groundwater.
Contaminant | Media | Concentration (ppb) | Nondetect |
chloroform | groundwater | ||
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene | groundwater | ||
1,2-Dichloroethane | groundwater | ||
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) | groundwater | ||
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) | soil | ||
Trichloroethene (TCE) | groundwater | ||
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene | groundwater |
Site Hydrology
Deepest Significant Groundwater Contamination: | 105ft bgs | |
Plume Size: | Plume Length: 900ft Plume Width: 200ft Plume Thickness: 15ft |
Average Depth to Groundwater: | 87.5ft |
Lithology and Subsurface Geology
Fine to coarse sands with interbedded silty clay layers Depth: 0-28.5ft bgs 28.5ft thick |
Light red lean clay Depth: 28.5-51ft bgs 22.5ft thick |
Fine to coarse sand Depth: 51-55ft bgs 4ft thick |
silty clay Depth: 55-70ft bgs 15ft thick |
weathered shale bedrock Depth: 70-152ft bgs 82ft thick |
Pathways and DNAPL Presence
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Vapor Intrusion Pathway
Has the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) been evaluated? |
Yes |
How was the site evaluated? |
Soil vapor and/or Sub-slab vapor sampling,Groundwater sampling |
Results of VI evaluation: |
The VI pathway was ruled out (or does not exist) | |
Has a vapor mitigation system been installed? |
No |
Remediation Scenario
Goals: |
Reduce PCE and TCE groundwater contamination to below EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 5 µg/L. |
Remedy Level: |
Full Scale Remedy |
In Situ Air Sparging |
Why the technology was selected: Date implemented: Final remediation design: Results to date: Next Steps: Cost to Design and Implement: |
for Assessment: |
$85,661.72 | |
for Operation and Maintenance: |
$17,063.50 | |
Costs for Cleanup: |
Lessons Learned
Limited access drilling equipment was functional when conditions are favorable. However, due to significant rainfall during the installation of the deep SVE well, surface runoff entered the borehole and caused the annulus to smear off. Installation contractor attempted to rehab the well through the addition of water, surging, and purging of the well screen. Well rehab assisted in cleaning fines from the filter pack, but system needed to operate for a year before the screened interval dried out enough to allow flow-paths to develop and obtain recordable flow at the header. |
Kansas Identified Sites List |