Description Historical activity that resulted
in contamination.
This is an active PCE drycleaning facility that has been operating since 1959. Identified contaminant source areas are the former and current location of the drycleaning machine and the area outside the boiler room door. The facility is located on a small lot (< 0.3 acre) in a mixed retail commercial/residential setting.
There are active gasoline stations located north and south of the facility, and a gasoline station was formerly located due east of the facility. Petroleum contaminants are present in groundwater in the site area. Remediation Status: In groundwater monitoring |
Contaminants Contaminants present and the highest amount
detected in both soil and groundwater.
Contaminant |
Media |
Concentration (ppb) |
Nondetect |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene |
groundwater |
10,103 ppb |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene |
soil |
5,580 ppb |
1,1-Dichloroethene |
groundwater |
15.5 ppb |
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) |
groundwater |
10,090 ppb |
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) |
soil |
2,872 ppb |
Trichloroethene (TCE) |
groundwater |
450 ppb |
Trichloroethene (TCE) |
soil |
1,020 ppb |
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene |
groundwater |
28 ppb |
Vinyl Chloride |
groundwater |
3,640 ppb |
Vinyl Chloride |
soil |
523 ppb |
Site Hydrology
Deepest Significant
Groundwater Contamination: |
50ft bgs |
Plume Size: |
Plume Length: 700ft Plume Width: 120ft Plume Thickness: 45ft |
Average Depth
to Groundwater: |
5.02ft |
Lithology and Subsurface Geology
Fine-grained sand
Depth: 0-10ft bgs
10ft thick
Conductivity: 83ft/day
Gradient: 0.0003ft/ft
Silty, fine-grained sand with limestone pebbles
Depth: 10-25ft bgs
15ft thick
Depth: 25-32ft bgs
7ft thick
Fine-grained sand
Depth: 32-38ft bgs
6ft thick
Fossiliferous limestone, some clay and fine-grained sand interbeds
Depth: 38-75ft bgs
37ft thick
Pathways and DNAPL Presence
DNAPL Present
Vapor Intrusion Pathway
Has the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) been evaluated? |
Has a vapor mitigation system been installed? |
Yes |
Type of Vapor Mitigation System(s): |
Soil Vapor Extraction
Remediation Scenario
Goals: |
Groundwater: PCE = 3.0 µg/L, TCE = 3.0 µg/L; cis 1,2-DCE = 70 µg/L; trans 1,2-DCE = 100 µg/L; 1,1-DCE = 7.0 µg/L, vinyl chloride = 1.0 µg/L
Soil: PCE = 30 µg/kg; TCE = 30 µg/kg; cis 1,2-DCE= 400 µg/kg; vinyl chloride = 7.0 µg/kg
Remedy Level: |
Full Scale Remedy |
In Situ Soil Vapor Extraction |
Why the technology was selected: SVE was chosen because it is an effective technology for removing VOCs from permeable, unsaturated sediments.
Date implemented: August 6, 2003
Final remediation design: SVE System: Two lateral SVE wells, 7 ft and 10 ft in length, were constructed of 4-inch diameter, Schedule 40 PVC with 0.010-inch slot screen. 7.5-HP Rotron blower. Design flow rate: 128 scfm. Off gas treatment: two 180-lb vapor phase carbon vessels.
Results to date: In October 2007, the SVE system was shut down. As of March 2008, the pump-and-treat system had recovered an estimated 223 lbs of VOCs. The system has pumped and treated 17,964,235 gallons of water with an average pumping rate of 12.2 gpm. The system has achieved capture of the contaminant source area. Contaminant concentrations in groundwater samples collected from offsite monitoring wells are less than 10 µg/L. Recovery well influent concentrations have dropped from 12,377 µg/L total VOCs in July 2003 to 145.2 µg/L total VOCs in March 2008.
The SVE system has recovered an estimated 15.2 lbs of VOCs, operating at an average influent flow rate of 151 scfm and an average vacuum of 43 inches w.c. The estimated radius of influence of the SVE system is 15 feet.
Next Steps: An active soil gas survey was run in June 2008. soil gas samples collected under the floor slab had PCE concentrations as high as 4.5 mg/cubic meter. There is a proposal to install vapor recovery wells under the facility floor slab.
Cost to Design and Implement: $246,100 for all technologies
Ex Situ Air Stripping |
Date implemented: August 6, 2003
Final remediation design: Pump-and-Treat: One 5-inch diameter Schedule 40, PVC recovery well, screened 4.5-38 feet bgs with 0.020-inch slot screen. One-half-HP Gundfos submersible pump. Design pumping rate; 5-15 gpm. Produced water treated in a low-profile air stripper and then routed to a 1000-lb liquid-phase G.A.C. vessel for additional treatment. Treated water is disposed in an exfiltration gallery.
Results to date: In October 2007, the SVE system was shut down. As of March 2008, the pump-and-treat system had recovered an estimated 223 lbs of VOCs. The system has pumped and treated 17,964,235 gallons of water with an average pumping rate of 12.2 gpm. The system has achieved capture of the contaminant source area. Contaminant concentrations in groundwater samples collected from offsite monitoring wells are less than 10 µg/L. Recovery well influent concentrations have dropped from 12,377 µg/L total VOCs in July 2003 to 145.2 µg/L total VOCs in March 2008.
The SVE system has recovered an estimated 15.2 lbs of VOCs, operating at an average influent flow rate of 151 scfm and an average vacuum of 43 inches w.c. The estimated radius of influence of the SVE system is 15 feet.
Next Steps: An active soil gas survey was run in June 2008. soil gas samples collected under the floor slab had PCE concentrations as high as 4.5 mg/cubic meter. There is a proposal to install vapor recovery wells under the facility floor slab.
Cost to Design and Implement: $246,100 for all technologies
Ex Situ Carbon Adsorption |
Date implemented: August 6, 2003
Final remediation design: Pump-and-Treat: One 5-inch diameter Schedule 40, PVC recovery well, screened 4.5-38 feet bgs with 0.020-inch slot screen. One-half-HP Gundfos submersible pump. Design pumping rate; 5-15 gpm. Produced water treated in a low-profile air stripper and then routed to a 1000-lb liquid-phase G.A.C. vessel for additional treatment. Treated water is disposed in an exfiltration gallery.
SVE System: Two lateral SVE wells, 7 ft and 10 ft in length, were constructed of 4-inch diameter, Schedule 40 PVC with 0.010-inch slot screen. 7.5-HP Rotron blower. Design flow rate: 128 scfm. Off gas treatment: two 180-lb vapor phase carbon vessels.
Results to date: In October 2007, the SVE system was shut down. As of March 2008, the pump-and-treat system had recovered an estimated 223 lbs of VOCs. The system has pumped and treated 17,964,235 gallons of water with an average pumping rate of 12.2 gpm. The system has achieved capture of the contaminant source area. Contaminant concentrations in groundwater samples collected from offsite monitoring wells are less than 10 µg/L. Recovery well influent concentrations have dropped from 12,377 µg/L total VOCs in July 2003 to 145.2 µg/L total VOCs in March 2008.
The SVE system has recovered an estimated 15.2 lbs of VOCs, operating at an average influent flow rate of 151 scfm and an average vacuum of 43 inches w.c. The estimated radius of influence of the SVE system is 15 feet.
Next Steps: An active soil gas survey was run in June 2008. soil gas samples collected under the floor slab had PCE concentrations as high as 4.5 mg/cubic meter. There is a proposal to install vapor recovery wells under the facility floor slab.
Cost to Design and Implement: $246,100 for all technologies
Ex Situ Pump and Treat |
Why the technology was selected: Pump-and-treat was selected to hydraulically contain the contaminant plume, remove contaminant mass, and draw down the water table to enhance the recovery of the SVE system.
Date implemented: August 6, 2003
Final remediation design: Pump-and-Treat: One 5-inch diameter Schedule 40, PVC recovery well, screened 4.5-38 feet bgs with 0.020-inch slot screen. One-half-HP Gundfos submersible pump. Design pumping rate; 5-15 gpm. Produced water treated in a low-profile air stripper and then routed to a 1000-lb liquid-phase G.A.C. vessel for additional treatment. Treated water is disposed in an exfiltration gallery.
Results to date: In October 2007, the SVE system was shut down. As of March 2008, the pump-and-treat system had recovered an estimated 223 lbs of VOCs. The system has pumped and treated 17,964,235 gallons of water with an average pumping rate of 12.2 gpm. The system has achieved capture of the contaminant source area. Contaminant concentrations in groundwater samples collected from offsite monitoring wells are less than 10 µg/L. Recovery well influent concentrations have dropped from 12,377 µg/L total VOCs in July 2003 to 145.2 µg/L total VOCs in March 2008.
The SVE system has recovered an estimated 15.2 lbs of VOCs, operating at an average influent flow rate of 151 scfm and an average vacuum of 43 inches w.c. The estimated radius of influence of the SVE system is 15 feet.
Next Steps: An active soil gas survey was run in June 2008. soil gas samples collected under the floor slab had PCE concentrations as high as 4.5 mg/cubic meter. There is a proposal to install vapor recovery wells under the facility floor slab.
Cost to Design and Implement: $246,100 for all technologies
for Assessment:
$138,900 |
for Operation and Maintenance:
Costs for Cleanup:
Aaron Cohen
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Waste Cleanup, MS 4500
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Donald Lewis, P.E.
Shaw Environmental, Inc.
725 U.S. Highway 301 South
Tampa, Florida 33619-4349
Phone: (813) 612-3681 |
Site Specific References
Site Assessment Report: 2000
Remedial Action Plan: 2002
Construction Completion Report: 2003
O&M/Monitoring Reports: 2003 - 2008
Modified Active Soil Gas Sampling Report: July 2008. |