State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Site Profiles
Abe's Main Street Cleaners, Portland, Oregon
Abe's Main Street Cleaners, an active facility located in a commercial area, has operated since the 1940s. The drycleaner used Stoddard solvent until the 1980s, and then converted to perchloroethylene (PCE). Complaints about dumping triggered an Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) site inspection in 1992. The investigation revealed that the operator discharged wastewater from the dryer through a pipe into the subfloor of the building, and indicated elevated levels of PCE in the groundwater. The DEQ handles inspection and remediation for this site as part of its Orphan Site Account program. Remediation Status: In groundwater monitoring |
Contaminants present and the highest amount
detected in both soil and groundwater.
Contaminant | Media | Concentration (ppb) | Nondetect |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene | groundwater | 3,000 ppb | |
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) | groundwater | 17,000 ppb | |
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) | soil | 41,000 ppb | |
Trichloroethene (TCE) | groundwater | 530 ppb | |
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene | groundwater | 390 ppb | |
Vinyl Chloride | groundwater | 33 ppb |
Site Hydrology
Deepest Significant Groundwater Contamination: | 30ft bgs | |
Plume Size: | Plume Length: 300ft Plume Width: 100ft Plume Thickness: 30ft |
Average Depth to Groundwater: | 17.5ft |
Lithology and Subsurface Geology
clayey silt and fine sand Depth: 0-15ft bgs 15ft thick Conductivity: 22ft/day Gradient: 0.003ft/ft |
sandy gravel Depth: 15-45ft bgs 30ft thick Conductivity: 491ft/day |
basalt Depth: 45ft bgs |
Pathways and DNAPL Presence
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Remediation Scenario
Goals: |
Interim Remedial Action Measures (IRAM) objectives included the containment and minimization of further migration of volatile organic compound contamination in soil and groundwater. DEQ installed and operated a Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) from Feb. 1998 to Oct 1999 to remove soil contamination, in addition to a groundwater extraction system. Following completion of the risk assessment DEQ identified potential engineering controls to reduce unacceptable risk during future site development. DEQ's risk-based concentrations (RBCs), or appropriately determined site-specific RBCs are the remedial objective for site. Primary pathways of concern are the indoor air pathway and direct contact by excavation workers. |
Remedy Level: |
Interim Action |
In Situ Soil Vapor Extraction |
Why the technology was selected: Date implemented: Final remediation design: Results to date: Next Steps: Cost to Design and Implement: |
Ex Situ Pump and Treat |
Why the technology was selected: Date implemented: Final remediation design: Results to date: Next Steps: Cost to Design and Implement: |
for Assessment: |
$221,000 | |
for Operation and Maintenance: |
$282,000 | |
Costs for Cleanup: |
Lessons Learned
1. Significant cost savings realized with NPDES permit discharge via Storm Sewer rather than via POTW and Sanitary. 2. UV screening of soil and groundwater samples proved an adequate field screening technique in the source area. 3. Limited geochemical sampling failed to indicate significant iron fouling by iron bacteria in the source area. Significant O & M costs were necessary to maintain the groundwater treatment system. 4. Coincident petroleum contamination from adjacent petroleum sites have resulted in a fairly mature degradation plume off-site and downgradient of the property that may limit any additional off-site necessary (e.g. monitored natural attenuation). |
Formerly: Bruce Gilles, Project Manager OR DEQ, Site Response Northwest Region 2020 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97201-4987 800-452-4011 Current-Mark Pugh OR DEQ, Site Response Northwest Region 2020 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97201-4987 503 229-5587 Contractors: Ecology and Environment, Inc. 333 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 503-248-5600 Mark Ochnsner, Project Manager |
Site Specific References
000749.OA03OQ01.00.0407.02 DEQ FinalDraft Focused Feasibility StudyDEQ Staff Report SurgichromeAbe’s Dry Cleaners, Inc., Site ClackamasMilwaukie, Oregon DEQ Staff Report, Abe’s Cleaners Facility,Milwaukie, Oregon ECSI Site ID No. 1258 October 10, 2002 |