State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Site Profiles
Former Base Laundry & Drycleaning Facility, Orlando, Florida
This is a Department of Defense facility (Orlando Naval Training Center) where laundering and drycleaning were performed using PCE and petroleum solvents from the late 1950s until 1994. As many as five drycleaning machines were utilized in the operations.
Solvents were stored in ASTs located outside the facility. Solvent was delivered in drums to a loading dock. Several solvent spills, estimated at from 5 - 55 gallons, were reported to have occurred at the loading dock, at the ASTs and inside the facility. Fuel oil was stored in ASTs and USTs and was used as a boiler fluid.
A water well, located 75 feet south of the facility was completed in the Floridan aquifer and supplied water for the boiler and laundry operations. Wastewater from laundry operations was discharged to a surge tank located immediately west of the facility and then to a sanitary sewer.
The facility is located approximately 375 feet east of a small lake and groundwater flow is westward from the facility to the lake. PCE and its daughter products have been detected in both water and sediment samples collected from the lake.
The contaminant source areas at the facility include the soils beneath the building floor slab in the vicinity of the drycleaning machines, the former solvent delivery and storage areas and the surge tank. Remediation Status: In active remediation |
Contaminants present and the highest amount
detected in both soil and groundwater.
Contaminant | Media | Concentration (ppb) | Nondetect |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene | groundwater | 2,000 ppb | |
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) | groundwater | 34,000 ppb | |
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) | soil | 430 ppb | |
Trichloroethene (TCE) | groundwater | 15,000 ppb | |
Trichloroethene (TCE) | soil | 27 ppb |
Site Hydrology
Deepest Significant Groundwater Contamination: | 60ft bgs | |
Plume Size: | Plume Length: 350ft Plume Width: 700ft |
Average Depth to Groundwater: | 6.7ft |
Lithology and Subsurface Geology
Upper surficial aquifer |
Fine-grained sand Depth: 0-17ft bgs 17ft thick Conductivity: 10ft/day Gradient: 0.008ft/ft |
Lower surficial aquifer |
moderately to well indurated silty, fine-grained sand Depth: 17-20ft bgs 3ft thick Conductivity: 40ft/day |
fine-grained sand Depth: 20-54ft bgs 34ft thick |
silty, fine, fine to coarse sand with phosphate nodules and shells Depth: 54-71ft bgs 17ft thick |
clayey sand with clay interbeds Depth: 71ft bgs |
Pathways and DNAPL Presence
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Remediation Scenario
Goals: |
Groundwater (MCLs) PCE = 3 ¼g/l; TCE = 3 ¼g/l; cis 1,2-DCE = 70 ¼g/l |
In Situ Recirculating Wells |
Why the technology was selected: Date implemented: Final remediation design: Results to date: |
for Assessment: |
No costs available from DOD as of this date. | |
for Operation and Maintenance: |
Costs for Cleanup: |
Lessons Learned
1. The system never achieved design pumping rates and therefore did not achieve capture of the downgradient portion of the contaminant plume. 2. Influent pumping rates were limited by the rate at which effluent could be injected. Although aquifer testing indicated that the lower surficial aquifer (injection zone) had a higher hydraulic conductivity than the upper surfical aquifer (pumping zone), effluent could not be injected at design rates. There may have been a fouling/precipiation problem in the filter pack or the near screen sediments. 3. It is doubtful that an effective circulation cell ever develped within the aquifer. The distance between the upper screen interval and the lower screen interval was over 27 ft and the lithology between the two screens was described as a silty, fine-grained sand that is moderately to well indurated. This unit likely limited vertical circulation. 4. This system had many operational and maintenance problems including silt/sand entering the well screens, failed packers, biofouling, precipitation, and problems assocated with equalizing influent and effluent pumping rates. |
Aaron Cohen Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Cleanup, MS 4500 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850-245-8974 Steve Tsangaris, contractor CH2M Hill 4350 West Cypress, Suite 600 Tampa, Florida 33607 |
Site Specific References
1. Remedial Investigation 1/2001 2. Focused Investigation/ Source Confirmation 5/1997 3. Quarterly Monitoring Activity & Results 1998-2000 4. IRA Work Plan Addendum for UVB Well Upgrade 9/2000 |