MtBE Treatment Profiles
Description of Web Site
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) is interested in providing federal and state project managers and others with timely information about the developments in the field of MtBE treatment applications. This Web site contains information about completed and on-going full-, pilot- and bench-scale MtBE treatment applications. As of August 2008, the Web site included information on 426 MtBE treatment projects. This Web site can be used as a networking tool (each profile lists a contact) to identify past solutions and lessons learned that would apply to new sites with similar contaminants and climate.
Several technologies (both in situ and ex situ) have been used in MtBE treatment projects, including air sparging, bioremediation, biosparging, chemical oxidation, drinking water treatment, electrical resistive heating, excavation, free product recovery, monitored natural attenuation, multiphase extraction, ozone, phytoremediation, pump-and-treat, soil vapor extraction, and thermal desorption.
The project profiles on the Web site describe the use of MtBE treatment technologies at specific sites. The profiles contain a summary of available information, including:
- Project Information
- Site name, location, and type
- Site lithology
- Depth to water
- Contaminants and media treated
- Area of contamination and quantity treated
- Technology design and operation, including the number of wells, scale, vendor, period of operation, and status
- Additional comments, as appropriate
- Cost and Performance Information (Micrograms per liter in groundwater)
- Cleanup goal, as well as concentrations before and after treatment, for MtBE, TBA, and BTEX
- Additional information about performance
- Cost for remediation, including capital, operation and maintenance, assessment and monitoring
- Additional information about technology cost
- Additional Information
- Associated vendors or consultants
- Point of contact
- References
The MtBE treatment project profiles provide varying level of detail, depending on the data and information available.
Data Sources
EPA obtained data from technical journals, conference proceedings, and information provided by various technology vendors and site managers to prepare the profiles.
How to Search the Web Site
The Web site provides a search engine that allows a user to search the profiles by site name, state, technology, contaminant, media, project status, or project scale. A user may also select the button �List All,� which presents a list of all available profiles. Search results are listed alphabetically by project name.
Additional Resources
EPA resources that contain general information about MtBE treatment technologies are available in the MtBE section of CLU-IN's Contaminant Focus.
Feedback on this Web Site
Send your feedback and comments to Ed Gilbert of EPA OSRTI, by e-mail at, or by telephone at (703) 603-8883.