From Ground Water Currents, June 1996, Issue No. 15
New For the Bookshelf
Two new documents from the State perspective have been published. Both deal with injectants. EPA has also published a manual on ground water and leachate systems. A brief description of each is given below.
SURFACTANT INJECTION FOR GROUND-WATER REMEDI-ATION: STATE REGULATORS' PERSPECTIVES AND EXPERIENCES (EPA Document No. EPA 542-R-95-011). This report is based on a series of interviews with State regulators involved in the review and approval of applications for demonstrations or applications of surfactant technologies for the remediation of ground water. The report focuses on identifying specific technical issues, non-technical problems, training and technical or policy needs that would contribute to improving the use of in situ surfactant enhancements. The goal of the study was to identify barriers and describe successes in gaining State regulatory approval, in order to promote understanding among various stakeholders vital to developing this important technology. The publication can be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) (Order No. PB96164546), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (telephone number: 703-487-4650).
STATE POLICIES CONCERNING THE USE OF INJECTANTS FOR IN SITU GROUND WATER REMEDIATION (EPA Document No. EPA-542-R-96-001). This report is based on information about State policies and regulatory programs affecting demonstrations or use of injectants for the remediation of contaminated ground water. The report focuses on identifying specific State regulatory and policy barriers to the use of techniques that enhance in situ ground water treatment technologies through the use of injecting surfactants, co-solvents and nutrients. The goal of the study was to identify institutional barriers that may inhibit the use of injectants. The study briefly describes experience and policies of each state and provides a contact person who can provide additional information. The publication can be ordered from NTIS (Order No. PB96-164538) at the address and number above.
MANUAL: GROUND-WATER AND LEACHATE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (EPA Document No. EPA/625/R-94/005) This manual was developed for remedial design engineers and regulatory personnel who oversee the ex situ ground-water or leachate treatment efforts of the regulated community. The manual can be used as a treatment technology screening tool in conjunction with other references. More importantly, the manual briefly presents technical considerations (or concepts) for use when evaluating, designing or reviewing a system design for the treatment of contaminated ground water or leachate from land disposal operation. It is not intended for use as a detailed design manual for specific technologies. For Superfund applications, readers should follow the presumptive guidance for contaminated ground water that EPA's Superfund program has issued. The manual can be ordered from the Center for Environmental Research Information at 513-569-7562