U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Air Sparging


Upcoming Air Sparging Courses and Conferences and Archived Online Events

CLU-IN's Upcoming Courses and Conferences area features events related to innovative treatment and site characterization technologies, while the CLU-IN Studio contains live and archived videos, internet seminars, and conference webcasts.

Suggest a New Training Course or Conference

Innovative Treatment Technologies Course
CERCLA Education Center (CEC).

3-Day Course or 1-Day short course. The in-depth, three-day course offered by the CERCLA Education Center (CEC) provides information about technical, financial, and practical factors to be considered when determining the appropriateness of innovative treatment technologies for application in various cleanup projects. The one-day course provides a comprehensive overview of a number of innovative technologies, including bioremediation (various types), soil vapor extraction enhancements, thermal desorption, soil washing, air sparging, passive treatment walls, base-catalyzed dechlorination, surfactant flushing, and thermally enhanced extraction. Visit the TRAINING EXCHANGE web site for schedules and locations.

Low-Cost Remediation Strategies for Contaminated Soil and Ground Water

Technologies to be covered in this course include natural attenuation, enhanced bioremediation, air sparging, and phytoremediation for remediation of contaminated ground water; bioventing for remediation of contaminated soil; and bioslurping for removal of light nonaqueous-phase liquid. Dates and locations are subject to change. For details, please visit the web site and click on Education. Or call (800) 551-7379 or (614) 898-7791, or FAX (614) 898-7786.

Principles and Practice of Forced Air Remediation Systems

This is a 3-day course on the state-of-the art in design and operation of in situ forced air systems for remediation of organic contaminants in soil and ground water.Technologies considered include soil vapor extraction, bioventing, and multiphase extraction technologies (e.g., dual phase extraction, bioslurping). Corollary technologies, such as soil heating and pneumatic fracturing, are also discussed. Basic technology principles and design protocols are presented, valuable rules of thumb for technology selection and preliminary design are reviewed, and site characterization, monitoring, and pilot test methods are also discussed. Hands-on exercises with the computer program BIOVENTING PLUS is integrated into the course. For details, please visit the National Ground Water Association website at and click on Education. Or call (800) 551-7379 or (614) 898-7791, or FAX (614) 898-7786.