FRTR Presents...Recent Advances in PFAS Characterization Technologies
Archived: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Sponsored by: Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR)
This webinar will include live deliveries of two presentations from the recent FRTR Fall meeting, with updated information:
"Best Practices for PFAS Sampling and Evaluation"
"Clean Water Act Methods: Overview of EPA's CWA PFAS Method Activities".
The science and technology of site characterization for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has advanced in the five years since FRTR last addressed the topic in 2018. Federal agency budgets for PFAS remediation have grown substantially during this time. As a result, site characterization efforts such as Remedial Investigations, as well as early response actions, are underway at many Federal facilities. Funding for field-scale projects to further advance PFAS characterization technology and methodologies also has increased substantially.
This webinar will allow PFAS member agencies to share results of recent and on-going PFAS projects that are improving our understanding of PFAS characterization technologies.
Nicolette Andrzejczyk, Navy (
Dr. Nicolete Andrzejczyk is an environmental toxicologist at NAVFAC EXWC, with research experience spanning several environmental contaminant groups, including crude oils, novel disinfection byproducts, estrogenic compounds, pesticides, and PFAS. Dr. Andrzejczyk is involved in various PFAS-related projects for the Navy and provides technical consultation on reduction of human health and ecological risk at Navy environmental restoration sites. Prior to joining NAVFAC EXWC, she completed her Ph.D. at the University of California, Riverside studying molecular effects of various contaminant groups on aquatic biota through whole transcriptome sequencing and other techniques.
Sarah (Bekah) Burket, U.S. EPA (
S. Bekah Burket recently joined the methods team in the Engineering and Analysis Division of the Office of Science and Technology within the EPA Office of Water. Prior to working with EPA, Bekah researched bioaccumulation of contaminants of emerging concern as part of her PhD work at Baylor University. As the newest chemist with the methods team, she is working on developing PFAS methods for wastewaters and is currently leading the development effort for an adsorbable organic fluorine method.
Troy Strock, U.S. EPA, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR) (
Troy Strock is the organic methods lead for the SW-846 Methods Program in EPA's Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR). Prior to coming to ORCR he worked for two years in the Contract Laboratory Program in EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation and for 14 years in the EPA Region 5 Laboratory in Chicago as an organic chemist. He holds a bachelors degree in interdisciplinary science and biology and a master's degree in soil science from Purdue University.
Adrian Hanley, U.S. EPA (
Cindy Frickle, U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation ( or 202-566-0927)
Cindy Frickle is a physical scientist with EPA's Superfund program where she reviews and propagates technical information to site cleanup professionals through Clu-In, EPA forums, and interagency channels. Prior to joining EPA, she spent time characterizing contaminated sites, coring sediments, studying microbes, and teaching. She completed her Biogeology MS and Geology BS in the University of Minnesota's School of Earth Sciences.
Michael Adam, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division ( or 703-603-9915)
As a Triad advocate, Mike directed the final production of the Management and Interpretation of Data Under a Triad Approach. For the Technology Innovation Program (TIP), Mike serves as POC for various issues and initiatives such as Vapor Intrusion, Decision Support Tools, and the Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century initiative; and is part of the CLUIN management team. Mike has graduate degrees in Plant Physiology (2000, Iowa State) and Environmental Engineering (2003, Nebraska-Lincoln), and was a staff Research Assistant in Environmental Soil Science at Nebraska-Lincoln before joining the Technology Innovation Program at the EPA in late 2004.
Webinar Slides and References:
Slide Presentation for FRTR Best Practices for PFAS Sampling and Analysis - Andrzejczyk, NAVFAC EXWC (3.22MB/PDF)
Slide Presentation for CWA PFAS and SW846 PFAS Method Updates - Burket, U.S. EPA and Strock, U.S. EPA (1.66MB/PDF)
Additional Resources:
- November 2023 FRTR Meeting Presentations
- Next FRTR Meeting Information
Terms Used to Describe the Standing of U.S. EPA Methods (PDF)
- Current Methods Update Rule
- CWA Analytical Methods and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS)
- Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Methods and Guidance
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It is EPA's policy to make reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities wishing to participate in the agency's programs and activities, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 791. Any request for accommodation should be made to Cindy Frickle at 202-566-0927 or, preferably one week or more in advance of the seminar, so that EPA will have sufficient time to process the request. EPA would welcome specific recommendations from requestors specifying the nature or type of accommodation needed. EPA welcomes specific recommendations from requestors specifying the nature or type of accommodation needed. Please note that CLU-IN provides both alternate phone call-in options and closed captioning for all webinars, and requests for these specific accommodations are not necessary.
Rehabilitation Act Notice for Reasonable Accommodation
It is EPA's policy to make reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities wishing to participate in the agency's programs and activities, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 791. Any request for accommodation should be made to Cindy Frickle at 202-566-0927 or, preferably one week or more in advance of the webinar, so that EPA will have sufficient time to process the request. EPA would welcome specific recommendations from requestors specifying the nature or type of accommodation needed. EPA welcomes specific recommendations from requestors specifying the nature or type of accommodation needed. Please note that CLU-IN provides both alternate phone call-in options and closed captioning for all webinars, and requests for these specific accommodations are not necessary.
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