U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division
Technology Developer Topics
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Demonstration & Testing

This section includes links to organizations that may assist technology developers and other interested parties in testing, demonstrating, and evaluating their technologies. A technology to be demonstrated usually has completed laboratory testing and, when applicable, initial small-scale field testing.

Prior to being commercialized, the technology vendor generally will need to gain experience with its application at an actual waste site or at a facility that can approximate the conditions at an actual site. At such a site, the vendor can conduct trials of a technology to evaluate and verify its cost, performance, and market potential. The data generated are used to demonstrate acceptance or validation of a technology. Testing also can support the future implementation of a technology through the development of appropriate guidance, design, and protocol documents. Some of the organizations listed in this area also provide third-party independent evaluations.

The links include organizations with publicly-sponsored facilities available for testing and demonstration of site characterization and remediation technologies, and where assistance may be found for the process of verification or certification. Many of the referenced organizations offer a wide variety of services and partnerships. It is best to check with each one depending on the specific needs of a technology development project.

Domestic Demonstration & Testing Resources

Environmental Technology Verification Program
EPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) concluded operations in early 2014 and EPA no longer updates the information. Nevertheless, the website may be useful as a reference or resource. The website carries protocols, test plans, reports and verification statement summaries for the verified technologies for all environmental media—air, water, and land.

Prior to ceasing operations, this public-private partnership between EPA and nonprofit testing and evaluation organizations, verified the performance of innovative technologies. From 1995 to the present, ETV provided credible data on nearly 500 technologies, enabling purchasers, regulators and others to make decisions on adoption of these new technologies.

Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) promotes innovative, cost-effective environmental technologies that target the needs of the DOD through demonstration and validation at DOD test sites. Lab-proven technologies are selected for field trials, and upon successful testing, regulatory and user acceptance/approval are facilitated. The categories of eligible environmental restoration technologies are: chlorinated solvents, energetics, heavy metals, perchlorate, petroleum hydrocarbons, sediments, and site characterization. Annual proposals are solicited in January from DOD, industry, academia and other federal agencies through a Call for Proposals (DOD, federal) and through Broad Agency Announcements, or BAAs (non-federal), which are found at the Federal Business Opportunities website.

ESTCP is jointly managed with DOD's SERDP (addressed in the R&D section of this website), another independent program, on behalf of the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment). SERDP is DOD's environmental science and technology R&D program.

National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence
The National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence (NDCEE) investigates, demonstrates and helps field viable, mission-driven solutions that reduce total ownership costs and fulfill DOD environmental, energy, health, safety, and sustainability requirements. Its mission is to transition environmentally acceptable materials and processes to defense industrial activities and private industry and to support applied research and development where appropriate, to transition new to technologies.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy, and Environment (Environment, Safety and Occupational Health) is the Lead Agent of the NDCEE. DOD priority requirements for Environmental Quality Technology (EQT) and Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) are funneled from each of the Services through the NDCEE.

Related Links:

Naval Facilities Engineering Command
When funding is available, the Navy uses a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) as a streamlined and flexible contracting approach. The goal is to identify a wide range of innovative environmental quality technologies and methodologies that are ready for field demonstration. Interested contractors can submit a no more than 3-page abstract, with up to 10 pages of test data attached, describing how the proposed technology or methodology can be valuable to the Navy in cleanup, pollution prevention, natural resources conservation and sustainability, and climate change mitigation. All technologies proposed for demonstration in the Navy Technology Validation Program must be commercially available products. R&D, beta testing, etc., cannot be performed with technology validation program funds.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hazardous Waste Research Center
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Hazardous Waste Research Center (HWRC) is located at the USACE Engineer Research and Development Center's (ERDC's) Environmental Laboratory (EL) in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Opened in 1988, the HWRC is a full-service research and development laboratory. Under the authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Superfund Program, and the Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Program under the Clean Water Act, the HWRC has provided research and development and innovative technology demonstration support to USACE districts and divisions, the 10 EPA regions, and U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) installations.

Entrepreneurship Support Organizations
Some entrepreneurship support organizations have testing and demonstration facilities or access to such facilities. Factors and sources to consider in finding an appropriate entrepreneurship center are discussed in the Resources for Selecting an Appropriate Entrepreneurship Support Organization subsection of this website.

International Demonstration & Testing Resources

Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) ISO Standard (14034)
ETV helps manufacturers prove the reliability of their performance claims and helps technology purchasers identify innovations that suit their needs. ISO 14034 informs independent verifiers on how to conduct quality-assured verification of an environmental technology. It specifies verification principles, accepted testing practices, and reporting requirements to help create a level playing field for technological innovators and encourage greater market acceptance of innovative technologies.

Sustainable Development Technology Canada
A non-profit organization established by the Canadian government, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) supports and finances the development and demonstration of clean or sustainable development technologies, including soil remediation technology. In addition to funding, SDTC seeks to (a) foster the formation of strategic relationships, innovative collaboration and partnering among private sector, academia, not-for-profit, and other like-mandated organizations, and (b) promote timely diffusion of new sustainable development technologies across key economic sectors in Canada. Only technologies that have proven the ability to meet market demand are selected in the three phase application process—statement of interest, proposal, and contracting. Between 2001 and 2017/2018, the Government of Canada has committed $1.4 billion to SDTC.

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