Act Locally • Region Six
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- Growing Gardens in Urban Soils
- Ecosystem Services
- Creating Pollinator Habitats as Part of an Ecological Revitalization Project
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- Glossary of Ecological Land Reuse Terms
Click on each state for resources for that state. The listing for each state includes a link to a listing of native plants for landscape use, federally listed endangered species, noxious species, and botanical experts and state resources for that state from the Roadside Use of Native Plants, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration. Please note that because this is a 1999 publication, some of this information, particularly contact information, may be out of date.

- EPA Region 6 Superfund Division Contact form
- National Wildlife Federation. Top Ten Native Plants for the Southwest
- Roadside Use of Native Plants for Arkansas
- Arkansas Native Plants Society
- Arkansas Natural heritage Commission
- University of Arkansas: Arkansas Vascular Flora Project
- Texas A&M University: Arkansas Diversity Mapper
- Roadside Use of Native Plants for Louisiana
- Louisiana Native Plant Society
- Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries: Rare Plant Species of Louisiana
- Folsom, LA Native Plant Society
- Louisiana State University Herbarium
New Mexico
- Roadside Use of Native Plants for New Mexico
- Native Plant Society of New Mexico
- University of New Mexico. New Mexico Rare Plants
- Roadside Use of Native Plants for Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Native Plant Society
- Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory
- Oklahoma University Flora of Oklahoma project
- Roadside Use of Native Plants for Texas
- Native Plant Society of Texas
- Texas A&M University:
- Texas Native Shrubs
- Texas Native Trees
- Native Plants of South Texas
- Invasive Plants on Texas Rangelands
- University of Texas:
- Texas Invasives