Green Remediation Focus
Incorporating BMPs in Design, Construction, and Operations
Technical guidance, online calculators and background information are readily available to help decision-makers consider and plan greener cleanup strategies to be implemented during design, construction and operation of site cleanup remedies. This page lists several of these resources available from EPA and other federal government services, organized by each of the core elements of green remediation.
Additionally, the Incorporating BMPs in System Optimization page contains a multitude of optimization tools applying to technologies, techniques or equipment that are commonly used for remediation and can help project teams evaluate and reduce the environmental footprint of cleanup activities at a more detailed level.
- Alternative Fueling Station Locator. U.S. DOE/Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
- Better Buildings™: Combined Heat and Power. U.S. Department of Energy.
- Energy and the Environment. U.S. EPA.
- EnergyPlus.™ U.S. DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
- Green Remediation Best Management Practices: Integrating Renewable Energy into Site Cleanup.
U.S. EPA/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. EPA 542-F-11-006. April 2011.
- Guide to Purchasing Green Power. U.S. EPA.
- Integrated Energy Solutions: Data & Tools. U.S. DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
- LFGcost-Web. U.S. EPA.
- LFG Energy Poject Development Handbook. U.S. EPA.
- Renewable Electricity Generation. U.S. DOE/Energy Efficienctricity Generation. U.S. DOE/Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
- REopt™. U.S. DOE/National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
- Submetering Wizard. Sustainable Facilities (SF) Tool. U.S. General Services Administration.
- Technology News and Trends. U.S. EPA. Issue No. 71: EPA 542-N-15-002. Fall 2015.
- Analysis of the Benefits of Green Remediation Best Management Practices for Local Air Quality.
Charlene Lawson, U.S. EPA/Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response internship. December 2012.
- Best Practices for Clean Diesel Construction: Successful Implementation of Equipment Specifications to Minimize Diesel Pollution.
Northeast Diesel Collaborative.
- Diesel Emissions Quantifier (DEQ). U.S. EPA.
- Green Remediation Best Management Practices: Clean Fuel & Emission Technologies for Site Cleanup.
U.S. EPA/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. EPA 542-F-10-008. August 2010.
- Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. U.S. EPA.
- Learn about Verified Technologies for Clean Diesel. U.S. EPA.
- Power Profiler. U.S. EPA.
- Reducing Diesel Emissions from Construction and Agriculture. U.S. EPA.
- Verification Procedure for In-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines. California Air Resource Board.
- Verified Technologies for SmartWay and Clean Diesel. U.S. EPA.
- Accounting for Trees in Stormwater Models.
Center for Watershed Protection and U.S. Department of Agriculture/Forest Service. August 2018.
- Bioretention Design Handbook.
U.S. EPA Office of Water/Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds. EPA 841-B-23-002. November 2023.
- City Green: Innovative Green Infrastructure Solutions for Downtowns and Infill Locations. U.S. EPA. EPA 230-R-16-001. May 2016.
- Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC). The Water Research Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. EPA and National Science Foundation Urban Water Innovation Network.
- Compendium of Federal Nature-Based Resources for Coastal Communities, States, Tribes, and Territories.
White House Coastal Resilience Interagency Working Group. April 2022.
- Enhanced Aquifer Recharge of Stormwater in the United States: State of the Science Review. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development. EPA/600/R-21/037F, Final Report. 2021.
- Green Infrastructure. U.S. EPA.
- Green Infrastructure Modeling Toolkit. U.S. EPA.
- Green Infrastructure Wizard (GIWiz). U.S. EPA.
- Guidelines for Water Reuse.
U.S. EPA Office of Water/Office of Wastewater Management and U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development/National Risk Management Research Laboratory. EPA 600-R-12-618. September 2012.
- National Stormwater Calculator. U.S. EPA.
- Potable Reuse Compendium. U.S. EPA. 2017.
- Regulations and End-Use Specifications Explorer (REUSExplorer). U.S. EPA.
- Stormwater Best Management Practices Performance Evaluation. Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council. November 2018.
- Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). U.S. EPA.
- StreamStats. U.S. Geologial Survey.
- Water-Efficient Technology Opportunity: On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems. U.S. DOE/Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
- Water Reuse Activities & Resources. U.S. EPA.
- Water Reuse Information Library. U.S. EPA.
- Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST). U.S. EPA.
Land & Ecosystems
- Assessing Landscape Vulnerability to Wildfire in the USA. Nicole M. Vaillant, et al. Current Forestry Reports (2:201-213). 2016.
- DoD Pollinator Conservation Reference Guide.
Armed Forces Pest Managment Board Technical Guide No. 9. September 2018.
- Ecological Revitalization: Turning Contaminated Properties into Community Assets.
U.S. EPA/Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. EPA 542-R-08-003. February 2009.
- Ecoregional Planting Guides. Pollinator Partnership.
- Ecosystem Services at Contaminated Site Cleanups. U.S. EPA Technical Support Project/Engineering Forum. EPA 542-R-17-004. August 2017.
- EnviroAtlas. U.S. EPA.
- National Ecosystem Services Classification System (NESCS) Plus. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development and Office of Water. EPA 600-R-20-267. December 2020.
- Operationalizing Ecosystem Services Endpoints and Assessment Tools for Supporting Risk Assessments in Contaminated Site Cleanups. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development. EPA/600/R-23/039. April 2023.
- Pollinator-Friendly Best Management Practices on Federal Lands. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Interior. Draft, May 11, 2015.
- Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration: Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration at Three Contaminated Sites Remediated and Revitalized with Soil Amendments.
U.S. EPA/Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. EPA 542-R-10-003. February 2011.
- The Incorporation of an Ecosystem Services Assessment into the Remediation of Contaminated Sites. Sarah Slack, U.S. EPA/Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response fellowship. August 2010.
- Value and Resiliency of Ecosystem Services on Department of Defense (DoD) Lands. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Final Report for SERDP Limited Scope Project RC18-1605. PNNL-29222. April 2020.
Materials & Waste
- Beneficial Uses of Spent Foundry Sands. Sustainable Materials Management. U.S. EPA.
- BioPreferred™ Catalog. U.S. Department of Agriculture BioPreferred Program.
- Coal Ash Reuse. U.S. EPA.
- Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center. National Center for Manufacturing Sciences and U.S. EPA.
- EPEAT Registry. Global Electronics Council.
- Green Remediation Best Management Practices: Materials and Waste Management.
U.S. EPA/Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. EPA 542-F-13-003. December 2013.
- Materials Management Wizard (MWiz). U.S. EPA.
- Recommendations of Specifications, Standards, and Ecolabels for Federal Purchasing. Sustainable Marketplace: Greener Products and Services. U.S. EPA.
- Recover Your Resources – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Construction and Demolition Materials at Land Revitalization Projects.
U.S. EPA/Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. EPA-560-F-09-523. October 2009.
- Sustainable Facilities Tool: Green Products Compilation. General Services Administration.
- Sustainable Facilities Tool: Product Search. General Services Administration.
- Sustainable Materials Management in Site Cleanup.
U.S. EPA Technical Support Project Engineering Forum. EPA 542-F-13-001. March 2013.
- Waste Reduction Model (WARM). U.S. EPA.