Green Remediation Focus
News Archives
Note: All links to Web locations associated with these news announcements were functional upon archiving. Please excuse any inconvenience caused by links no longer functioning.
March 2024
- EPA's Region 2 reported on their green remediation metrics for 2024! Please visit their posts on Facebook or X (formerly Twitter) to see how they did!
- EPA is pleased to announce two new infographics that were released on International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction. The Wasted Food/Climate Change graphic depicts the climate impacts of wasted food. It was inspired by EPA's Office of Research and Development research on the impacts of food waste in the environment and shows all of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions that are embedded in the various parts of the food supply chain. The main purpose of this graphic is to show that when food is thrown away, all the emissions that are used to create the food are thrown away, as well. The Compost/Climate Change graphic conveys how composting food scraps reduces emissions and can help adapt to climate change. There are four text boxes on the right side of the graphic that outline the benefits of both creating compost and applying compost. Both graphics are available on the EPA Sustainable Management of Food Graphics page.
- The Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) 67th Annual Meeting held September 2024 in Philadelphia, PA, included and Environmental Site Characterization Symposium, which featured a session on Green, Sustainable, and Resilient Remediation. For additional information, please contact AEG Environmental Characterization and Remediation Working Group.
- Integrating green remediation and climate resilience work in Superfund service contracts
- EPA releases fact sheet about considering climate change at contaminated groundwater sites
- Enhanced tool now available to find products or services covered by an ecolabel or standard
- Using EPA's Water Sensors Toolbox to understand capabilities and limitations of water sensors
- Climate adaptation measures taken at the Wyckoff Co./Eagle Harbor NPL site along Puget Sound
- EPA releases fact sheet about BMPs for PCB sites
February 2024
- EPA primer on integrating green remediation and climate resilience in Superfund service contracts now available
- New EPA fact sheet about considering climate change at contaminated groundwater sites
- Updated green remediation BMPs for cover systems and integrated site reuse planning released by EPA
- EPA issue paper describes a process for conducting climate vulnerability assessments at Superfund sites
- Climate adaptation measures taken at the General Motors (Central Foundry Division) NPL site
- New EPA handbook on bioretention design to help plan green stormwater infrastructure
- Administrative guidance for green, sustainable, and resilient remediation issued by New Jersey DEP
- Using the DOE Renewable Energy Potential (reV) Model to assess site-specific renewable energy potential
January 2024
- New EPA fact sheet about considering climate change at contaminated groundwater sites
- Updated green remediation BMPs for cover systems and integrated site reuse planning now available
- New ITRC guidance on managed aquifer recharge for sustainable and resilient water resources management
- EPA handbook on bioretention design to help plan green stormwater infrastructure
- Using the DOE Renewable Energy Potential (reV) Model to assess site-specific renewable energy potential
- New issue paper provides a process for conducting climate vulnerability assessments at Superfund sites
- Climate adaptation measures taken at the General Motors (Central Foundry Division) NPL site
- Administrative guidance for green, sustainable, and resilient remediation issued by New Jersey DEP
December 2023
- EPA releases updated fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for waste cover systems and integrated site reuse planning
- Bioretention design handbook now available to help plan green stormwater infrastructure
- New EPA issue paper describes a process for Superfund site climate vulnerability assessments
- Measures taken to adapt to climate change at the General Motors (Central Foundry Division) NPL site
- New Jersey DEP issues administrative guidance for green, sustainable, and resilient remediation
- DOE releases Renewable Energy Potential (reV) Model to aid site-specific assessment of renewable energy potential
November 2023
- Integrated site remediation and reuse planning includes solar energy development at Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. Superfund site
- Federal OMB issues draft guidance on accounting for ecosystem services in benefit-cost analysis
- EPA releases case study on ecosystem services valuation at Superfund sites
- EPA ORD issues report on operationalizing ecosystem services endpoints and assessment tools for site risk assessments
- Identifying onsite opportunities to help municipalities protect water resources through green infrastructure
- Finding safer chemicals for use as oxidants, solvents and other purposes
- Federal agency procurement of goods and services increasingly considers associated social costs of GHG emissions
October 2023
- Federal agency procurement of goods and services increasingly considers associated social costs of GHG emissions
- Integrated site remediation and reuse planning includes solar energy development at Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. Superfund site
- EPA releases case study on ecosystem services valuation at Superfund sites
- EPA ORD issues report on operationalizing ecosystem services endpoints and assessment tools for site risk assessments
- ITRC develops guidance on sediment cap chemical isolation
- UsingEJScreen to understand a site's wildfire risks relating to climate change
- Call for abstracts: Battelle's Chlorinated Conference
September 2023
- EPA ORD issues report on operationalizing ecosystem services endpoints and assessment tools for site risk assessments
- New EPA case study on ecosystem services valuation at Superfund sites
- Using EJScreen to understand a site's wildfire risks relating to climate change
- Finding SNAP substitutes for industrial products containing ozone-depleting substances
- ITRC guidance on pump and treat optimization now available
- Updated green remediation BMPs for cleaner fuels and air emissions
- Climate adaptation strategies implemented at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
- New ITRC guidance on pump and treat optimization
- Finding SNAP substitutes for industrial products containing ozone-depleting substances
- Call for abstracts: October AEHS Foundation conference on soils, sediments, water and energy.
- Climate adaptation strategies implemented at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
- Updated green remediation BMPs for cleaner fuels and air emissions
- Finding SNAP substitutes for industrial products containing ozone-depleting substances
- Updated handbook on converting landfill gas to useable energy for onsite or offsite use
- New ITRC guidance on pump and treat optimization
- Updated green remediation BMPs for cleaner fuels and air emissions
- 2021 data now available in Power Profiler tool to understand emissions from regional electricity generation
- Updated handbook on converting landfill gas to useable energy for onsite or offsite use
- Enhanced guidebook on using air sensors to measure and interpret air quality data
- Climate adaptation strategies implemented at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
- EPA issues updated fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for cleaner fuels and air emissions
- EPA enhances guidebook on using air sensors
- New EPA report summarizes current practice of water recycling via enhanced aquifer recharge, storage and recovery
- Updated EPA handbook on converting landfill gas to useable energy for onsite or offsite use
- 2021 data now available in EPA's Power Profiler tool to understand emissions from regional electricity generation
- Finding green infrastructure tools and resources through GIWizard
- Washington Ecology releases 2023 guide on climate change resiliency and green remediation
- EPA issues updated fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for cleaner fuels and air emissions
- Washington Ecology releases 2023 guide on climate change resiliency and green remediation
- EPA enhances guidebook on using air sensors
- 2021 data now available in EPA's Power Profiler tool to understand emissions from regional electricity generation
- New EPA report summarizes current practice of water recycling via enhanced aquifer recharge, storage and recovery
- New CLU-IN area focuses on non/minimally invasive geophysical methods for site characterization
- Call for submissions: 2023 Tribal EPA & U.S. EPA Region 9 Conference
- Washington Ecology releases 2023 guide on climate change resiliency and green remediation
- EPA identifies greener cleanup BMPs frequently used at PCB-contaminated sites
- New EPA report summarizes current practice of water recycling via enhanced aquifer recharge, storage and recovery
- Pacific Institute releases new stakeholder engagement guide for nature-based solutions
- New CLU-IN area focuses on non/minimally invasive geophysical methods for site characterization
- EPA identifies greener cleanup BMPs frequently used at PCB-contaminated sites
- New CLU-IN area focuses on non/minimally invasive geophysical methods for site characterization
- Finding EPA-verified technologies for diesel engine retrofits to reduce offroad and onroad air emissions
- Pacific Institute releases new stakeholder engagement guide for nature-based solutions
- $3.5 billion in BIL funding to accelerate remediation at Superfund sites
- EPA identifies greener cleanup BMPs frequently used at PCB-contaminated sites
- Pacific Institute releases new stakeholder engagement guide for nature-based solutions
- $3.5 billion in BIL funding to accelerate remediation at Superfund sites
- Energy use for Superfund cleanups increasingly offset by onsite alternative energy facilities
- Finding EPA-verified technologies for diesel engine retrofits to reduce air emissions
- Wyoming Voluntary Cleanup Program issues fact sheet on green and sustainable remediation BMPs
- $3.5 billion in BIL funding to accelerate remediation at Superfund sites
- Molasses injections to optimize remediation at Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant
- Wyoming Voluntary Cleanup Program issues fact sheet on green and sustainable remediation BMPs
- Finding EPA-verified technologies for diesel engine retrofits to reduce air emissions
- Energy use for Superfund cleanups increasingly offset by onsite alternative energy facilities
- EPA FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan includes taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint of Superfund remedies
- Wyoming Voluntary Cleanup Program issues fact sheet on green and sustainable remediation BMPs
- Energy use for Superfund cleanups increasingly offset by onsite alternative energy facilities
- EPA FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan includes taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint of Superfund remedies
- Molasses injections to optimize remediation at Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant
- Updated GSA approach to sustainability, climate and clean energy
- Climate adaptation at the Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site near Redding, California
- Climate adaptation at the Continental Steel Corp. Superfund site in Kokomo, Indiana
- National Park Service collection of guides for integrating traditional ecological knowledge
- EPA FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan includes taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint of Superfund remedies
- Molasses injections to optimize remediation at Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant
- National Park Service collection of guides for integrating traditional ecological knowledge
- Climate adaptation at the Continental Steel Corp. Superfund site in Kokomo, Indiana
- Climate adaptation at the Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site near Redding, California
- Updated GSA approach to sustainability, climate and clean energy
- Call for abstracts: Battelle Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies
- Updated GSA approach to sustainability, climate and clean energy
- Climate adaptation at the Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site near Redding, California
- Climate adaptation at the Continental Steel Corp. Superfund site in Kokomo, Indiana
- National Park Service collection of guides for integrating traditional ecological knowledge
- Continual updating of the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
- Call for abstracts: Battelle Conference on Innovations in Climate Resilience
- New compendium of federal resources and guidance on coastal green infrastructure, nature-based solutions and habitat restoration
- Climate adaptation at the American Cyanamid Superfund site in New Jersey
- Climate adaptation at the Solvents Recovery Service of New England Superfund site in Connecticut
- EPA guide to help prepare for and recover from wildfire at sites with underground or aboveground storage tanks
- EPA's new Superfund Redevelopment Mapper to help explore potential land reuse aligning with community needs and priorities
- Climate adaptation processes and tools used at the Solvents Recovery Service of New England site
- Climate adaptation processes and tools used at th American Cyanamid Superfund site
- April 2022 EO 14072 on using nature-based solutions to improve resilience to climate change
- New compendium of federal nature-based resources
- Bipartisan Infrastructure Law $1.5 billion investment to address environmental, social and economic challenges of brownfields
- EPA's new Superfund Redevelopment Mapper to help explore potential land reuse aligning with community needs and priorities
- Climate adaptation processes and tools used at the Port Hadlock - Site 10 North End Landfill
- April 2022 EO 14072 on using nature-based solutions to improve resilience to climate change
- New compendium of federal nature-based resources
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for integrating renewable energy
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for soil vapor extraction and other air-driven systems
- Resource efficiencies and innovative technology use at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune merit 2022 DoD environmental restoration award
- EPA's new Superfund Redevelopment Mapper to help explore potential land reuse aligning with community needs and priorities
- Bipartisan Infrastructure Law $1.5 billion investment to address environmental, social and economic challenges of brownfields
- Federal guidance on engaging with tribal nations to apply indigenous traditional ecological knowledge promoting environmental sustainability
- April 2022 EO 14072 on using nature-based solutions to improve resilience to climate change
- Climate adaptation processes and tools used at the Port Hadlock - Site 10 North End Landfill
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for integrating renewable energy
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for soil vapor extraction and other air-driven systems
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for pump and treat systems
- Federal guidance on engaging with tribal nations to apply indigenous traditional ecological knowledge promoting environmental sustainability
- Bipartisan Infrastructure Law $1.5 billion investment to address environmental, social and economic challenges of brownfields
- EPA's new web-based REUSExplorer tool for staying informed about state-specific water reuse regulations, guidelines and applications
- Resource efficiencies and innovative technology use at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune merit 2022 DoD environmental restoration award
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for soil vapor extraction and other air-driven systems
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for integrating renewable energy systems
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMP for implementing pump and treat systems.
- Climate adaptation processes and tools used at the Port Hadlock - Site 10 North End Landfill
- Federal guidance on engaging with tribal nations to apply indigenous traditional ecological knowledge promoting environmental sustainability
- EPA's new web-based REUSExplorer tool for staying informed about state-specific water reuse regulations, guidelines and applications
- NREL exands Reopt™ tool for simulating impacts of integrating geothermal, solar, wind, and combined heat and power systems
- Midwest Renewable Energy Association training on solar and wind energy systems throughout 2022
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for implementing pump and treat systems
- EPA's new web-based REUSExplorer tool for staying informed about state-specific water reuse regulations, guidelines and applications
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for implementing bioremediation.
- NREL expands REopt™ tool for simulating impacts of integrating geothermal, solar, wind, and combined heat and power systems
- Midwest Renewable Energy Association training on solar and wind energy systems throughout 2022
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for implementing bioremediation
- NREL expands REopt™ tool for simulating impacts of integrating geothermal, solar, wind, and combined heat and power systems
- EPA compiles Green Infrastructure Modeling Toolkit to help manage water resources in sustainable ways
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for implementing bioremediation now available
- Draft FY 2022-2026 EPA Strategic Plan includes increased GHG reductions, energy efficiencies, green infrastructure, materials recovery, and ecosystem protection
- Continued upward trends in renewable energy development on formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- Research on predicting and mitigating the effects of ecological species losses and invasions
- EPA compiles Green Infrastructure Modeling Toolkit to help manage water resources in sustainable ways
- Call for abstracts: 2022 NEIWPCC National Tanks Conference
- Draft FY 2022-2026 EPA Strategic Plan includes increased GHG reductions, energy efficiencies, green infrastructure, materials recovery, and ecosystem protection
- Continued upward trends in renewable energy development on formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- EPA compiles Green Infrastructure Modeling Toolkit to help manage water resources in sustainable ways
- Research on predicting and mitigating the effects of ecological species losses and invasions
- Call for abstracts: 2022 NEIWPCC National Tanks Conference
- Draft FY 2022-2026 EPA Strategic Plan includes increased GHG reductions, energy efficiencies, green infrastructure, materials recovery, and ecosystem protection
- EPA/ORD issues report on technical aspects of BMPs for enhanced aquifer recharge using stormwater
- EPA online library now available to find water reuse resources
- Research on predicting and mitigating the effects of ecological species losses and invasions
- EPA updates CHP Energy and Emissions Savings Calculator to compare CHP with separate heat and power sources
- EPA updates CHP Energy and Emissions Savings Calculator to compare CHP with separate heat and power sources
- EPA/ORD issues report on technical aspects of BMPs for enhanced aquifer recharge using stormwater
- EPA online library now available to find water reuse resources
- SERDP releases new report on direct push methods for high-resolution characterization of hydraulic conductivity
- EPA/ORD issues report on technical aspects of BMPs for enhanced aquifer recharge using stormwater
- EPA compiles Green Streets Handbook to help integrate green infrastructure at urban sites
- DOE examines implementation of energyshed management systems
- NREL updates PVWatts Calculator for estimating energy production and costs of grid-connected PV systems
- SERDP releases new report on direct push methods for high-resolution characterization of hydraulic conductivity
- Using i-Tree to guide site restoration in diverse settings
- SERDP releases new report on direct push methods for high-resolution characterization of hydraulic conductivity
- DOE examines implementation of energyshed management systems
- EPA updates landfill gas energy cost model for planning renewable natural gas projects
- NREL updates PVWatts Calculator for estimating energy production and costs of grid-connected PV systems
- EPA compiles Green Streets Handbook to help integrate green infrastructure at urban sites
- Collaborating with project stakeholders to help meet U.S. goal of conserving 30% of lands and waters by 2030
- Avoiding plant pathogens during habitat restoration
- Using i-Tree to guide site restoration in diverse settings
- Call for abstracts: Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds
- NREL updates PVWatts Calculator to estimate energy production and costs of grid-connected PV systems
- Updated landfill gas energy cost model now available to plan renewable natural gas projects
- Water Research Foundation releases CLASIC lifecycle cost framework for planning stormwater management
- New EPA handbook to help integrate green infrastructure for roads and parking areas at urban sites
- Guidelines for using a four-step framework to consider ecosystem services in site cleanup
- Avoiding plant pathogens during habitat restoration
- Using i-Tree to guide site restoration in diverse settings
- Collaborating with project stakeholders to help meet U.S. goal of conserving 30% of lands and waters by 2030
- Call for abstracts: Battelle Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds
- AquaConSoil 2021: EPA keynote on synergies in climate adaptation and mitigation at cleanup sites
- Collaborating with project stakeholders to help meet U.S. goal of conserving 30% of lands and waters by 2030
- Guidelines for using a four-step framework to consider ecosystem services in site cleanup
- Avoiding plant pathogens during habitat restoration
- Updated landfill gas energy cost model now available to plan renewable natural gas projects
- Massachusetts DER study on mobile energy storage for emergency response and grid demand reduction
- Water Research Foundation releases CLASIC lifecycle cost framework for planning stormwater management
- Finding green infrastructure tools and resources through GIWizard
- Guidelines for using a four-step framework to consider ecosystem services in site cleanup
- Water Research Foundation releases CLASIC lifecycle cost framework for planning stormwater management
- AquaConSoil 2021: EPA keynote on synergies in climate adaptation and mitigation at cleanup sites
- Finding green infrastructure tools and resources through GIWizard
- Massachusetts DER study on mobile energy storage for emergency response and grid demand reduction
- Updated DOE WINDExchange platform to help site and develop distributed wind energy systems
- EnergyPlus 9.4.0 now available to model energy and water use in buildings
- AquaConSoil 2021: EPA keynote on synergies in climate adaptation and mitigation at cleanup sites
- Massachusetts DER study on mobile energy storage for emergency response and grid demand reduction
- Updated DOE WINDExchange platform to help site and develop distributed wind energy systems
- New York DEC issues guidance for applying a damages-based value on carbon and other GHG
- EnergyPlus 9.4.0 now available to model energy and water use in buildings
- Updated DOE WINDExchange platform to help site and develop distributed wind energy systems
- New York DEC issues guidance for applying a damages-based value on carbon and other GHG
- EnergyPlus 9.4.0 now available to model energy and water use in buildings
- New information about reducing heat islands at urban sites
- NY DEC issues guidance for applying a damages-based value on carbon and other GHG
- 2021 Superfund Optimization Progress Report highlights best practices to achieve greener, faster and more effective cleanup
- Total installed capacity of renewable energy projects reaches 1.8 GW at 417 formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- EPA compiles new Biogas Toolkit to help plan beneficial use of landfill gas
- DOD demonstrates performance of biobased lubricants for vehicles and equipment
- New information about reducing heat islands at urban sites
- Updated Soil Vapor Extraction Endstate Tool (SVEET) now available to support SVE remedy decisions
- 2020 Superfund Optimization Progress Report highlights best practices to achieve greener, faster and more effective cleanup
- PNNL demonstrates viability of an ecosystem services simulation-valuation methodology for three DOD installations
- New information about reducing heat islands at urban sites
- DOD demonstrates performance of biobased lubricants for vehicles and equipment
- Updated Soil Vapor Extraction Endstate Tool (SVEET) now available to support SVE remedy decisions
- EPA compiles new Biogas Toolkit to help plan beneficial use of landfill gas
- Total installed capacity of renewable energy projects reaches 1.8 GW at 417 formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- Call for abstracts: 2021 Design and Construction Issues at Hazardous Waste Sites
- 2020 Superfund Optimization Progress Report highlights best practices to achieve greener, faster and more effective cleanups
- Updated Soil Vapor Extraction Endstate Tool (SVEET) now available to support SVE remedy decisions
- DOD demonstrates performance of biobased lubricants for vehicles and equipment
- Total installed capacity of renewable energy projects reaches 1.8 GW at 417 formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- PNNL demonstrates viability of an ecosystem services simulation-valuation methodology for three DOD installations
- EPA compiles new Biogas Toolkit to help plan beneficial use of landfill gas
- PNNL demonstrates viability of an ecosystem services simulation-valuation methodology for three DOD installations
- Latest NIH Superfund research identifies native fungal groups with potential for stimulating PAH degradation in soil
- SERDP proof-of-concept project offers environmentally sustainable approach to remove and destroy PFAS
- New EPA report addresses options for recovering and beneficially using landfill gas as a renewable energy resource
- New EPA report addressing options for recovering and beneficially using landfill gas as a renewable energy resource
- Updated NREL best practices now available for photovoltaic system operation and maintenance
- Latest NIH Superfund research findings on native fungal groups with potential for stimulating PAH degradation in soil
- Using Pollinator Partnership ecoregional planting guides to integrate pollinator communities during site restoration
- Recent SERDP feasibility study on environmentally sustainable approaches to remove and destroy PFAS in soil and groundwater
- Integrating renewable energy or energy-efficient approaches into EPA FY 2021 brownfields assessment and cleanup grant proposals
- Recent SERDP feasibility study on environmentally sustainable approaches to remove and destroy PFAS in soil and groundwater
- Integrating renewable energy or energy-efficient approaches into EPA FY 2021 brownfields assessment and cleanup grant proposals
- New EPA report addressing options for recovering and beneficially using landfill gas as a renewable energy resource
- Updated NREL best practices now available for photovoltaic system operation and maintenance
- Latest NIH Superfund research findings on native fungal groups with potential for stimulating PAH degradation in soil
- Using Pollinator Partnership ecoregional planting guides to integrate pollinator communities during site restoration
- U.S. DOE contract solicitation: design, construction and installation of energy and water savings projects at federal facilities
- Enhanced Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) now available
- Recent discussion paper on valuing renewable energy development at contaminated sites
- Updated NREL best practices for photovoltaic system operation and maintenance
- Regional planting guides to help integrate pollinator communities during site restoration
- SERDP demonstration of optimized vapor intrusion mitigation systems
- Call for abstracts: Battelle 2021 Combined Chlorinated and Bioremediation Conference
- Call for ideas: Brownfields 2021
- U .S. DOE contract solicitation: design, construction and installation of energy and water savings projects at federal facilities
- US DOE contract solicitation: design, construction and installation of energy and water savings projects at federal facilities
- Using the enhanced USDA BioPreferred® Program Catalog to find biobased products
- Enhanced Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) now available
- Recent discussion paper on valuing renewable energy development at contaminated sites
- SERDP demonstration of optimized vapor intrusion mitigation systems
- Call for abstracts: Battelle 2021 Combined Chlorinated and Bioremediation Conference
- Enhanced Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) now available
- New ITRC guidance on optimizing injection strategies
- Recent discussion paper on valuing renewable energy development at contaminated sites
- SERDP demonstration of optimized vapor intrusion mitigation systems
- Reducing the environmental footprint of cleanup by switching to green power
- ITRC issues new guidance on optimizing injection strategies
- Updated Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) now available
- Recent Elizabeth Mine pilot test evaluates use of energy-saving rotating cylinder system to treat mining-influenced water
- Call for abstracts: Battelle 2021 Sediments Conference
- ITRC issues new guidance on optimizing injection strategies
- Reducing the environmental footprint of cleanup by switching to green power
- Recent Elizabeth Mine pilot test evaluates use of energy-saving rotating cylinder system to treat mining-influenced water
- Updated Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) now available
- ITRC issues new guidance on use of advanced site characterization tools
- Call for abstracts: Battelle 2021 Sediments Conference
- Recent Elizabeth Mine pilot test evaluates use of energy-saving rotating cylinder system to treat mining-influenced water
- Updated Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) now available
- ITRC issues new guidance on use of advanced site characterization tools
- Final adopted Vermont DEC rule considers environmental impacts and sustainability of corrective action alternatives
- 2020 MREA training courses: how to integrate small renewable energy systems
- ITRC issues new guidance on use of advanced site characterization tools
- Final adopted Vermont DEC rule considers environmental impacts and sustainability of corrective action alternatives
- SEFA Version 3.0 now available for quantifying the environmental footprint of a cleanup at a detailed level
- EPA develops greener cleanup metrics to help understand drivers of a cleanup project's environmental footprint
- USDA designates 30 more BioPreferred categories of products derived from renewable materials
- 2020 MREA training courses: how to integrate small renewable energy systems
- Final adopted Vermont DEC rule considers environmental impacts and sustainability of corrective action alternatives
- SEFA Version 3.0 now available for quantifying the environmental footprint of a cleanup at a detailed level
- EPA develops greener cleanup metrics to help understand drivers of a cleanup project's environmental footprint
- USDA designates 30 more BioPreferred categories of products derived from renewable materials
- Call for abstracts: ESA annual meeting to focus on harnessing the ecological data revolution
- Call for abstracts: 27th National Tanks Conference
- EPA develops greener cleanup metrics for quantifying environmental footprints of cleanup activities
- Updated green remediation BMPs for excavation and surface restoration are now available
- RE-Powering Initiative discussion paper explains electric grid interconnection of renewable energy projects at formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- Updated New Jersey site remediation law encourages use of green and sustainable practices
- EPA updates green remediation BMPs for LUST cleanup
- SERDP releases final report on a membrane bioreactor system for wastewater reclamation
- EPA updates green remediation BMPs for excavation and surface restoration
- Updated New Jersey site remediation law encourages use of green and sustainable practices
- EPA updates green remediation BMPs for LUST cleanup
- SERDP releases final report on a membrane bioreactor system for wastewater reclamation
- US Forest Service issues guide for assessing tree canopy at urban sites
- Updated New Jersey site remediation law encourages use of green and sustainable practices
- EPA updates green remediation BMPs for LUST cleanup
- US Forest Service issues guide for assessing tree canopy at urban sites
- USGS updates StreamStats for estimating storm runoff in small drainage basins
- Updated BMPs to reduce the environmental footprint of LUST cleanup
- Release of Waste Reduction Model (WARM) version 15 for managing waste streams
- Using the USGS StreamStats to estimate storm runoff in small drainage basins
- Call for abstracts: 2020 Chlorinated Conference
- USGS StreamStats now available to estimate storm runoff in small drainage basins
- Fort Drum use of solar heating to accelerate hydrocarbon biodegradation in groundwater
- ESTCP demonstration of new tools to assess recontamination of coastal sediment due to stormwater discharges
- Registration now open for the ITRC's GSR team
- Call for abstracts: AWWA 2020 Sustainable Water Management Conference
- Call for abstracts: 2020 Chlorinated Conference
- Solar heating accelerates hydrocarbon biodegradation in Fort Drum groundwater
- Recent ESTCP project demonstrates new tools for assessing recontamination of coastal sediment due to stormwater discharges
- EPA updates its Waste Reduction Model (WARM) for managing waste streams
- Registration now open for the ITRC's GSR team
- Call for abstracts: AWWA 2020 Sustainable Water Management Conference
- EPA updates its Waste Reduction Model (WARM) for managing waste streams
- Recent ESTCP project demonstrates new tools for assessing recontamination of coastal sediment due to stormwater discharges
- Updated ECOTOX offers data visualizations of chemical toxicity to aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife
- Over 93 MW of renewable energy produced at Superfund sites now offsets or directly meets energy demands of cleanup activities
- Call for abstracts: AWWA International Symposium on Potable Reuse
- New ECOTOX data visualizations of chemical toxicity to aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife
- Status of alternative energy installations at Superfund sites
- Updated ISO standard for quantifying and reporting GHG emissions and removals
- Materials Management Wizard to help find tools for sustainable materials management
- EPA smart scoping technical guide for environmental investigations
- EPA compendium on potable water reuse practices
- Call for abstracts: AWWA International Symposium on Potable Reuse
- ISO updates its standard for quantifying and reporting GHG emissions and removals
- EPA issues smart scoping technical guides on site characterization
- Materials Management Wizard helps find tools and resources on sustainable materials management
- Using EPA's compendium on potable water reuse to identify potential use of treated wastewater
- EPA's PCB Facility Approval Streamlining Toolbox includes greener cleanup provisions
- Updated RE-Powering Mapper summarizes renewable energy potential at more than 130,000 sites
- US DOE updates its programs to reflect 2018 revision of ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems
- EPA's PCB Facility Approval Streamlining Toolbox includes greener cleanup provisions
- Updated EnviroAtlas for evaluating ecosystem services and biodiversity includes climate projections through 2099
- New York City Resilience in Brownfield Reclamation report details BMPs to optimize sustainability measures and improve flood resilience
- ITRC offers new guidance for implementing stormwater BMPs
- Center for Watershed Protection releases guidance on accounting for trees in stormwater models
- Updated RE-Powering Mapper summarizes renewable energy potential at more than 130,000 sites
- EPA's PCB Facility Approval Streamlining Toolbox includes greener cleanup provisions
- Updated RE-Powering Mapper summarizes renewable energy potential at more than 130,000 sites
- Updated EnviroAtlas for evaluating ecosystem services and biodiversity includes climate projections through 2099
- New York City Resilience in Brownfield Reclamation report details BMPs to optimize sustainability measures and improve flood resilience
- US DOE updates its programs to reflect 2018 revision of ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems
- ITRC offers new guidance for implementing stormwater BMPs
- Center for Watershed Protection releases guidance on accounting for trees in stormwater models
- Proposals for Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grants due January 31
- New York City Resilience in Brownfield Reclamation report details BMPs to optimize sustainability measures and improve flood resilience
- Updated EnviroAtlas for evaluating ecosystem services and biodiversity includes climate projections through 2099
- US DOE updates its programs to reflect 2018 revision of ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems
- ITRC offers new guidance for implementing stormwater BMPs
- Center for Watershed Protection releases guidance on accounting for trees in stormwater models
- Proposals for Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grants due January 31
- Arizona DEQ recommends green remediation practices to improve environmental outcomes of cleanups
- Fort Drum environmental restoration involves green remediation strategies
- Updated EPA Brownfields Road Map spotlights greener cleanups
- CEQ compiles resources for implementing EO 13834 on efficient federal operations
- 2018 BUILD Act provides renewable energy and energy efficiency criteria for ranking brownfields grant applications
- US Air Force releases reference guide for pollinator conservation
- EPA issues guide on environmental sequence stratigraphy to improve conceptual site models
- EPA updates recommendations of specifications, standards, and ecolabels for environmentally sustainable products
- Now available: National certification standard to help train and find green infrastructure professionals
- Arizona DEQ recommends green remediation practices to improve environmental outcomes of cleanups
- Fort Drum environmental restoration involves green remediation strategies
- Updated EPA Brownfields Road Map spotlights greener cleanups
- CEQ compiles resources for implementing EO 13834 on efficient federal operations
- 2018 BUILD Act provides renewable energy and energy efficiency criteria for ranking brownfields grant applications
- US Air Force releases reference guide for pollinator conservation
- EPA issues guide on environmental sequence stratigraphy to improve conceptual site models
- EPA updates recommendations of specifications, standards, and ecolabels for environmentally sustainable products
- Now available: National certification standard to help train and find green infrastructure professionals
- Call for abstracts: Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies
- Recent study quantifies hydrologic effectiveness of a constructed rain garden network for stormwater control
- New Trees and Stormwater Tool helps quantify financial benefits of using trees to manage onsite stormwater
- Using biopesticides as alternatives to conventional pesticides for fostering vegetation health
- DOE/EERE tips for optimizing efficiencies of pumps and other industrial equipment
- Fifth edition of Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide now available
- Updated Sustainable Facilities Tool for procuring environmentally sustainable products
- New Trees and Stormwater Tool helps quantify financial benefits of using trees to manage onsite stormwater
- Updated Sustainable Facilities Tool for procuring environmentally sustainable products
- Fifth edition of US DOE Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide now available
- Recent Superfund Optimization Progress Report includes summary of green remediation implementation
- Renewable energy installations completed on 238 contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- Request for proposals: Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grants for developing community capacity to sustain local natural resources
- Call for abstracts: 26th National Tanks Conference
- Renewable energy installations completed on 238 contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- Recent Superfund Optimization Progress Report includes summary of green remediation implementation
- Construction and maintenance of waste caps at Solvents Recovery Service of New England NPL site accommodate onsite rails-to-trails greenway
- EPA Region 9 updates its Greener Cleanups Policy
- Request for proposals: Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grants for developing community capacity to sustain local natural resources
- Call for abstracts: 26th National Tanks Conference
- Construction and maintenance of waste caps at Solvents Recovery Service of New England NPL site accommodate onsite rails-to-trails greenway
- Recent Superfund Optimization Progress Report includes summary of green remediation implementation
- EPA Region 9 updates its Greener Cleanups Policy
- New issue paper addresses ecosystem services at contaminated site cleanups
- Request for proposals: Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grants for developing community capacity to sustain local natural resources
- Recent Superfund Optimization Progress Report includes summary of green remediation implementation
- EPA Region 9 updates its Greener Cleanups Policy
- New issue paper addresses ecosystem services at contaminated site cleanups
- Final Vermont DEC rule includes requirement to consider environmental impacts and sustainability in evaluations of corrective action alternatives
- Travis AFB becomes first US DOD installation to certify use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups and wins 2017 Environmental Restoration, Installation award
- Final Vermont DEC rule includes requirement to consider environmental impacts and sustainability in evaluations of corrective action alternatives
- Travis AFB becomes first US DOD installation to certify use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups and wins 2017 Environmental Restoration, Installation award
- EPA releases issue paper on consideration of ecosystem services at contaminated site cleanups
- EPA updates list of verified clean diesel technologies
- RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative identifies 213 renewable energy installations on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- ITRC issues guidance on geospatial analysis for optimization at environmental sites
- Call for papers: NAEP 2018 Conference addressing sound leadership in environmental adaptation and resiliency
- Final Vermont DEC rule includes requirement to consider environmental impacts and sustainability in evaluations of corrective action alternatives
- Travis AFB becomes first US DOD installation to certify use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups and wins 2017 Environmental Restoration, Installation award
- EPA updates list of verified clean diesel technologies
- RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative identifies 213 renewable energy installations on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- ITRC issues guidance on geospatial analysis for optimization at environmental sites
- Call for Abstracts: Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds
- Travis AFB becomes first US DOD installation to certify use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups
- Revised U.S. Fish and Wildlife mitigation policy to address projects with potentially harmful impacts on wildlife and habitats
- New RE-Powering benefits matrix on renewable energy development at current and formerly contaminated sites
- Subsurface intrusion added to the Hazard Ranking System for scoring potential NPL sites
- Call for ideas: Brownfields 2017 conference in Pittsburgh
- Revised U.S. Fish and Wildlife mitigation policy to address projects with potentially harmful impacts on wildlife and habitats
- New RE-Powering benefits matrix on renewable energy development at current and formerly contaminated sites
- Updated U.S. climate change indicators to help assess factors influencing environmental quality
- Subsurface intrusion added to the Hazard Ranking System for scoring potential NPL sites
- Perspectives on green and sustainable remediation practices in federal agency cleanup programs
- Recent ESTCP field testing of new direct-push optical screening technology for subsurface chlorinated solvent DNAPL mapping
- EPA toolkit now available for green infrastructure modeling
- Updated NIST Building Life Cycle Cost software to evaluate energy and water conservation and renewable energy integration
- Updated U.S. climate change indicators to help assess factors influencing environmental quality
- Perspectives on green and sustainable remediation practices in federal agency cleanup programs
- EPA toolkit now available for green infrastructure modeling
- Updated NIST Building Life Cycle Cost (BLCC) software to evaluate energy and water conservation and renewable energy integration
- Recent ESTCP field testing of new direct-push optical screening technology for subsurface chlorinated solvent DNAPL mapping
- New EPA study on monetized benefits of groundwater recharge from stormwater retention practices
- New EPA guidance on evaluating greener cleanup opportunities throughout the CERCLA process
- Complimentary access to the ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups through November 30, 2016
- Greener cleanup considerations included in scope of upcoming EPA solicitation for remediation environmental services (SOL-HQ-14-00023)
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for site investigation and environmental monitoring
- New EPA study on monetized benefits of groundwater recharge from stormwater retention practices
- Federal acquisition Green Check tags to identify energy efficient and environmentally preferred computers and IT hardware
- New EPA guidance on evaluating greener cleanup opportunities throughout the CERCLA process
- No-cost viewing of ASTM's Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups through November 30
- Greener cleanup considerations included in scope of upcoming EPA solicitation for remediation environmental services (SOL-HQ-14-00023)
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for site investigation and environmental monitoring
- Planning for use of heavy-duty trucks meeting finalized fuel and emission standards
- Federal acquisition Green Check tags to identify energy efficient and environmentally preferred computers and IT hardware
- Greener cleanup considerations included in scope of upcoming EPA solicitation for remediation environmental services (SOL-HQ-14-00023)
- Updated ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups available for viewing at no cost through November 30, 2016
- Updated EPA fact sheet on green remediation BMPs for site investigation and environmental monitoring
- New EPA guidance on evaluating greener cleanup opportunities throughout the CERCLA process
- Planning for use of heavy-duty trucks meeting finalized fuel and emission standards
- Updated FEMP guidelines on acquiring energy-efficient products such as boilers
- New Federal Renewable Energy Certificate Guide to aid RECs procurement
- Integrating Sentinel Landscapes to foster habitat and natural resource conservation at military installations undergoing cleanup
- New EPA guidance on evaluating greener cleanup opportunities throughout the CERCLA process
- Updated ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups now available
- Using the DQO process to prevent re-contamination of remediated sediment sites
- New Federal Renewable Energy Certificate Guide to aid procurement of RECs
- Integrating Sentinel Landscapes to foster habitat and natural resource conservation at military installations undergoing cleanup
- New case studies on integrating green infrastructure as part of cleanup and downtown redevelopment
- Call for abstracts: Fourth International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies
- Updated ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups now available
- TSCA recently amended by Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act
- New guide on integrated design and delivery of green buildings
- New case studies on integrating green infrastructure as part of cleanup and downtown redevelopment
- Funding opportunity: Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) 2016
- Call for abstracts: Fourth International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies
- Updated ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups now available
- March 21 Presidential Memorandum: Building National Capabilities for Long-Term Drought Resilience
- New edition of eGRID containing data on environmental characteristics of individual power plants
- Funding opportunity: Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) 2016
- Call for abstracts: Fourth International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies
- Call for abstracts: Ninth International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments
- Updated ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups now available
- March 21 Presidential Memorandum: Building National Capabilities for Long-Term Drought Resilience
- Application process now open: NAFSMA 2016 Green Infrastructure Awards
- Sustainable acquisition on-demand training offered by interagency workgroup
- Notice of intent on funding opportunity: Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) 2016
- Call for abstracts: Ninth International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments
- Analyzing ecosystem services through use of the expanding EnviroAtlas geospatial platform
- Choosing and procuring products with recycled content
- Finding performance-verified turbines and certified installers for small wind energy applications
- Determining biologically relevant sampling depth for terrestrial and aquatic ecological risk assessments
- Determining biologically relevant sampling depth for terrestrial and aquatic ecological risk assessments
- Finding performance-verified turbines and certified installers for small wind energy applications
- Learning to use EPA’s Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Assessment through EPA's expanded SEFA tutorial
- Assessing contaminant distribution and bioavailability in sediment through passive polyethylene sampling
- Expanded Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Assessment (SEFA) tutorial now available
- Recent ESTCP reports on passive polyethylene sampling to assess contaminant distribution and bioavailability in sediment
- Updated Greener Cleanups Contracting and Administration Toolkit to help plan and incorporate BMPs
- Technology News and Trends newsletter issue featuring environmental footprint reductions of cleanup at selected Superfund, brownfield, mining and federal sites
- Updated fact sheet providing an overview of green remediation BMPs
- EPA's updated Greener Cleanups Contracting and Administration Toolkit
- Technology News and Trends newsletter issue featuring environmental footprint reductions of cleanup at selected Superfund, brownfield, mining and federal sites
- Updated BMP overview fact sheet
- Federal directive on incorporating ecosystem services into project decision-making
- Research on using solar energy to power electrochemical systems removing TCE from groundwater
- Proceedings of AquaConSoil Copenhagen 2015 now available
- Federal directive on incorporating ecosystem services into project decision-making
- Research on using solar energy to power electrochemical systems removing TCE from groundwater
- Proceedings of AquaConSoil Copenhagen 2015 now available
- Interim EPA recommendations on sustainable acquisition and procurement of products and services
- Research on biodegradable oil-herding agent as alternative to silicone-based chemicals for oil spills in water
- Interim EPA recommendations on sustainable acquisition and procurement of products and services
- Use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups at North Ridge Estates Superfund site
- Integrated planning of impermeable cap and 7 MW solar power facility at Brick Township Landfill Superfund site
- Revised ISO 14001:2015 standard for environmental management systems focusing on environmental pillar of sustainability
- ESTCP demonstration of passive flux meter for fractured rock
- Research on biodegradable oil-herding agent as alternative to silicone-based chemicals for oil spills in water
- Use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups at North Ridge Estates Superfund site
- Revised ISO 14001:2015 standard for environmental management systems focusing on environmental pillar of sustainability
- Integrated planning of impermeable cap and 7 MW solar power facility at Brick Township Landfill Superfund site
- Research on biodegradable oil-herding agent as alternative to silicone-based chemicals for oil spills in water
- ESTCP demonstration of passive flux meter for fractured rock
- New Submetering Wizard for choosing techniques to control and monitor electricity, natural gas or water consumption
- 10.86 MW solar energy system atop a permeable soil cover at Reilly Tar & Chemical NPL site
- NREL issues best practices handbook for characterizing location-specific solar resources
- Call for abstracts: SustRem 2016 international conference in Montreal
- 10.86 MW solar energy system atop a permeable soil cover at Reilly Tar & Chemical NPL site
- New Submetering Wizard for choosing techniques to control and monitor electricity, natural gas or water consumption
- NREL issues best practices handbook for characterizing location-specific solar resources
- Using green remediation BMPs for in situ chemical oxidation design at Navy sites
- New SERDP research in passive sampling at contaminated sediment sites
- Call for abstracts: SustRem 2016 international conference in Montreal
- Call for abstracts: 10th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated Compounds and Recalcitrant Compounds
- Using green remediation BMPs for in situ chemical oxidation design at Navy sites
- New SERDP research in passive sampling at contaminated sediment sites
- Updated overview of renewable energy development on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites
- CEQ implementing instructions for EO 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade
- Green Cleanup Policy issued by US EPA Region 7
- Updated Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) to evaluate groundwater impacts from waste management practices such as reusing industrial materials
- Revised UST regulations emphasizing proper operation and maintenance of equipment
- Call for abstracts: 10th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated Compounds and Recalcitrant Compounds
- Green Cleanup Policy issued by US EPA Region 7
- CEQ implementing instructions for EO 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade
- Updated Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) to evaluate groundwater impacts from waste management practices such as reusing industrial materials
- Revised UST regulations emphasizing proper operation and maintenance of equipment
- Final Clean Water Act rule issued by US EPA and Corps of Engineers to protect streams and wetlands
- Draft guidance on using best management practices to conserve pollinator habitat
- New verification guide for purchasers of sustainable products
- Final Clean Water Act rule issued by US EPA and Corps of Engineers to protect streams and wetlands
- Draft guidance on using best management practices to conserve pollinator habitat
- New verification guide for purchasers of sustainable products
- ESTCP demonstration of low-energy electrical resistance heating combined with biotic and abiotic processes
- New EO 13693 on Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade through energy and water conservation, clean energy sources and waste reduction
- New EO 13693 on Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade through energy and water conservation, clean energy sources and waste reduction
- West Virginia framework for O&M of passive acid mine drainage treatment systems
- Optimized enhanced bioremediation through 4D geophysical monitoring and autonomous data management
- Estimating air emission reductions in areas through the AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)
- FEMP funding opportunity: AFFECT grants available to federal agencies for funding renewable energy projects; letter of intent due April 6
- A framework for O&M of passive acid mine drainage treatment systems in West Virginia
- ESTCP project demonstrating optimized enhanced bioremediation through 4D geophysical monitoring and autonomous data management
- AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT) now available to help translate energy efficiency and renewable energy projects into air emission reductions
- USEPA engineering paper on footprint reductions and other lessons learned concerning in situ thermal treatment technologies
- USDA and USEPA support for beneficial use of silica-based spent foundry sand as manufactured soil and road sub-base
- Proceedings from Sustainable Remediation 2014 international conference in Ferrara, Italy
- U.S. EPA risk assessment supports beneficial use of silica-based spent foundry sand as manufactured soil and road sub-base
- In situ thermal treatment technologies: U.S. EPA engineering paper on footprint reductions and other lessons learned
- Using green infrastructure to reduce stormwater runoff
- Conference proceedings now available for Sustainable Remediation 2014 held in Ferrara, Italy
- Call for abstracts: 25th National Tanks Conference & Expo
- New U.S. EPA report on using green infrastructure to reduce stormwater runoff
- Recent Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable meeting on optimization and green and sustainable remediation practices
- Recent water pollution control bulletin: Talking "green" at LUST sites in New England; ASTM’s New "Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups"
- Final Greener Cleanups Guidance issued by Massachusetts DEP
- Call for abstracts: Waste Management (WM) Conference on March 15-19 in Phoenix
- Registration now open: April 15-17 Design and Construction Issues at Hazardous Waste Sites (DCHWS) Conference in Philadelphia
- Action Plan 2.0 released by RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative to support renewable energy development on contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites
- Using new CEQ guidance on sustainable practices to support landscape pollinators at vegetated areas of cleanup sites
- Planning vegetation maintenance to employ future EPA-verified and rated technologies for reduced pesticide drift
- Final Greener Cleanups Guidance issued by Massachusetts DEP
- Updated Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Assessment (SEFA) now available to help quantify and reduce environmental footprints of a cleanup
- Current proposal solicitation for brownfields assessment and cleanup grants integrates green remediation aspects such as energy and water efficiency and diesel emission reductions
- Call for abstracts: June 2015 AquaConSoil international conference in Copenhagen
- Updated Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Assessment (SEFA) now available to help quantify and reduce environmental footprints of a cleanup
- Green remediation strategy for Pharmacia & Upjohn site includes quantitative carbon footprint analysis
- Massachusetts DEP issues draft greener cleanups policy for assessment and remediation of oil and hazardous material disposal sites
- Call for abstracts: June 2015 AquaConSoil international conference in Copenhagen
- Call for ideas: September 2015 National Brownfields Training Conference in Chicago
- Green remediation strategy for Pharmacia & Upjohn site includes quantitative carbon footprint analysis
- Massachusetts DEP issues draft greener cleanups policy for assessment and remediation of oil and hazardous material disposal sites
- US EPA compiles liability reference guide for siting renewable energy projects on contaminated properties
- US EPA proposed rule covering municipal solid waste landfills includes new provisions aimed at reducing emission of landfill gas
- GSA assessment of six federal facilities finds 14-24% reduction in natural gas consumption by substituting condensing boilers for conventional boilers
- Call for abstracts: May 2015 Third International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies in Miami
- Conference program now available: Sustainable Remediation 2014 in Ferrara, Italy
- Call for papers: April 2015 NAEP Annual Conference focusing on environmental stewardship
- Massachusetts DEP issues draft greener cleanups policy for assessment and remediation of oil and hazardous material disposal sites
- US EPA compiles liability reference guide for siting renewable energy projects on contaminated properties
- US EPA proposed rule covering municipal solid waste landfills includes new provisions aimed at reducing emission of landfill gas
- GSA assessment of six federal facilities finds 14-24% reduction in natural gas consumption by substituting condensing boilers for conventional boilers
- Conference program now available: Sustainable Remediation 2014 in Ferrara, Italy
- Call for papers: April 2015 NAEP Annual Conference focusing on environmental stewardship
- Treatment plant modification at Aerojet facility will accelerate reuse of treated water and ease current water demands in Sacramento area
- EPA study quantifies environmental footprint of using in situ thermal treatment technology at the Former Williams Air Force Base in Arizona
- Two adjuncts now available to facilitate use of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups
- Verified performance of over 50 emission reduction technologies under EPA’s clean diesel verification process
- 13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and (Ground)Water Resources to be held in Copenhagen in June 2015
- Recent US EPA report includes approaches for reducing environmental footprints of bioremediation
- New reference guide for remediating mining-influenced water focuses on passive treatment methods and other ways to improve cleanup efficiency
- US EPA and Army Corps clarify stream and wetland protection under the Clean Water Act
- Tier 3 gasoline sulfur and emission controls issued for new vehicles
- Comment Solicitation: RE-Powering America's Land Initiative action plan
- US EPA-Army Corps proposed rule clarifies protection of streams and wetlands under the Clean Water Act
- New reference guide for remediating mining-influenced water focuses on passive treatment methods and other approaches to improving cleanup efficiency
- EPA finalizes Tier 3 gasoline sulfur and emission controls for new vehicles beginning in 2017
- US EPA evaluates beneficial use of encapsulated coal combustion residuals as a substitute for virgin raw materials in selected products
- Call for Abstracts: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Remediation to be held September 2014 in Ferrara, Italy
- US EPA evaluates beneficial use of encapsulated coal combustion residuals as a substitute for virgin raw materials in selected products
- Illinois EPA completes pilot applications of ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups
- US EPA Region 4 updates its greener cleanups policy
- Call for Abstracts: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Remediation to be held September 2014 in Ferrara, Italy
- US EPA recognition of the Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups (ASTM E2893-13) as a resource for reducing the environmental footprint of site cleanups
- Increasing energy conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy at Superfund sites
- FEMP energy savings performance contract (ESPC) mechanism expanded to streamline photovoltaic installations and HVAC replacements at small federal facilities
- Green remediation BMPs for materials and waste management outlined by US EPA
- Quantitative environmental footprint analysis as part of remediation optimization review at the Road 114 Ground Water Plume Superfund Site in Levelland, Texas
- EPA's latest "green remediation BMP fact sheet" addresses materials and waste management
- ASTM International issues voluntary consensus-based standard guide for greener cleanups
- December 2013 Presidential Memorandum -- Federal Leadership on Energy Management establishes energy management practices and fosters renewable energy production on contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites
- EPA solicits comments on draft guidelines for product environmental performance standards & ecolabels
- Call for abstracts: Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy to be held October 2014 in Amherst
- Applying green remediation strategies within the scope and approach for Superfund remediation optimization
- Recent study by EPA, Battelle, and industrial partners compares four tools for estimating environmental footprint of cleanup at the Grants Chlorinated Solvents Plume Superfund site
- FEMP funding opportunity for federal agencies to develop combined heat and power or renewable energy capital projects
- EPA's new bid specification tool to improve environmental outcomes of residential demolition projects
- Call for Abstracts: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Remediation to be held September 2014 in Ferrara, Italy
- Voluntary consensus-based ASTM standard guide for greener cleanups now available
- Using EPA's new National Stormwater Calculator to select low impact development controls at specific sites
- Approaches for implementing water use efficiency and management provisions of EO 13514
- Updated RE-Powering Mapper online tool to access preliminary screening results on renewable energy potential at contaminated properties
- A new mobile app from the U.S. DOE to locate alternative fueling stations
- Federal guidance recently issued to help implement water efficiency and management provisions of EO 13514
- Using U.S. DOE's new mobile app to locate alternative fueling stations
- Green and sustainable remediation opportunities included in U.S. DoD's updated Defense Environmental Restoration Program policy
- Green remediation practices used by the U.S. Coast Guard to complete cleanup construction at the Curtis Bay Yard Superfund site in Baltimore
- Anticipated benefits of an upcoming consensus-based standard guide for greener cleanup
- U.S. Coast Guard uses green remediation practices to complete cleanup construction at the Curtis Bay Yard Superfund site in Baltimore
- U.S. EPA anticipates benefits of an upcoming consensus-based standard guide for greener cleanup
- NREL now offers OpenStudio as a tool for graphical energy-modeling to support whole-building design and optimization
- U.S. EPA provides online training on use of SEFA (Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis) to plan and implement contaminated site cleanup
- RE-Powering America's Land: Q&A's concerning financing renewable energy projects on contaminated sites
- Evaluating energy optimization benefits during site cleanup through use of DOE's new protocols for determining savings from energy efficiency upgrades
- Applying recent FEMP guidance for acquisition of products with low standby power to simplify selection of energy-efficient computers and imaging equipment
- Now available: AquaConSoil Barcelona 2013 conference proceedings on green and sustainable remediation and environmental footprint analysis
- May 17 town hall meeting at Brownfields 2013 conference in Atlanta: ASTM Greener Cleanup and Other Tools - Who Can Use Them and How
- Engineering issue paper on sustainable materials management in site cleanup
- New NREL report on analyzing economic and environmental viability of waste-to-energy technology for site-specific optimization of renewable energy options
- SEFA tutorial now available to facilitate use of EPA's Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis
- EPA guidelines for using passive samplers to monitor organic contaminants in sediment and associated bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms
- New online compendium of information on high-resolution site characterization as a best management practice
- New York City Office of Environmental Remediation encourages sustainability statements in remedial action work plans
- New SEFA tutorial demonstrates key features of EPA's Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis
- EPA and NREL develop Best Practices for Siting Solar Photovoltaics on Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- State of Colorado releases Green BMP checklist for storage tank cleanups
- Green BMP checklist for storage tank cleanups in Colorado
- Research on benefits of integrating advanced diesel technologies to improve local air quality during site cleanup
- New Particulate Matter (PM) Advance Program to help local governments improve air quality
- Updated guidance on permit requirements and liabilities for good Samaritan projects at orphan mine sites
- Applying best management practices for green remediation at mining sites
- Best management practices to reduce environmental footprints of in situ thermal technology applications
- EPA's expanded Superfund optimization practices including environmental footprint evaluations
- Call for abstracts and topics: 24th National Tanks Conference & Expo
- Updated EPA guidelines for water reuse
- Energy and water efficiency measures detailed in latest U.S. DOE guidance for federal buildings
- Best management practices to reduce environmental footprints of in situ thermal technology applications
- Applying best management practices for green remediation at mining sites
- EPA's expanded Superfund optimization practices including environmental footprint evaluations
- Updated EPA guidelines for water reuse
- Energy and water efficiency measures detailed in latest U.S. DOE guidance for federal buildings
- Recent U.S. executive order facilitates investment in CHP and other industrial energy efficiencies
- Using U.S. DOE's latest estimates to screen capital and O&M costs for grid-tied renewable energy systems
- Applying best management practices for green remediation at mining sites
- Recent U.S. executive order facilitates investment in CHP and other industrial energy efficiencies
- Using U.S. DOE’s latest estimates to screen capital and O&M costs for grid-tied renewable energy systems
- Training on cost-effective energy and water savings projects through utility energy service contracts
- Using green infrastructure concepts to achieve water quality objectives and control stormwater
- Green and sustainable remediation strategies in U.S. DOD 2012 DERP Manual
- EPA's Superfund Program purchase of 100,000 renewable energy certificates
- U.S. Navy and EPA Region 9 collaboration on greener cleanups at Superfund sites
- EPA’s Superfund Program purchases 100,000 renewable energy certificates as part of its Superfund Green Remediation Strategy
- Updated guidance on federal GHG accounting and reporting now available
- U.S. Navy and EPA Region 9 initiate work to minimize environmental footprints of cleanup at southwest U.S. installations
- Green & Sustainable Remediation Manual now used to guide cleanups in Wisconsin
- Call for ideas: 15th National Brownfields Conference
- Green & Sustainable Remediation Manual now used to guide cleanups in Wisconsin
- New web-based GSA tool simplifies searching for green products
- Call for abstracts: AquaConSoil Barcelona 2013
- Call for ideas: 15th National Brownfields Conference
- Call for abstracts: November 2012 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Remediation in Vienna
- EPA's new Methodology for Understanding and Reducing a Project's Environmental Footprint identifies metrics and evaluation processes for greener cleanups
- Overview of EPA's Methodology summarizes the Agency’s new methodology as a roadmap for quantifying environmental footprints of cleanup
- EPA Region 9 and U.S. Air Force begin environmental footprint analyses collaboration for cleanups at Pacific Southwest installations
- Green remediation BMPs address Landfill Cover Systems & Energy Production
- Decision trees available for screening solar PV or wind potential at potentially contaminated sites
- EPA's new Methodology for Understanding and Reducing a Project's Environmental Footprint identifies metrics and evaluation processes for greener cleanups
- EPA Region 1 revises Clean and Greener Policy for Contaminated Sites
- BMP fact sheet on Landfill Cover Systems & Energy Production released by EPA
- EPA-NREL decision tools for screening solar PV potential and wind potential at potentially contaminated or underutilized sites
- Updated information about EPA's Principles for Greener Cleanups
- Specifications on green products designated by EPA, DOE, or USDA
- EPA's new BMP fact sheet addresses Landfill Cover Systems & Energy Production
- Updated compilation of Designated Green Products for Federal Procurement includes materials for bioremediation, compost, vehicle products, and building construction
- Oregon DEQ finalizes its Green Remediation Policy
- EPA's Global Methane Initiative issues RFP for grants to advance methane abatement, recovery and use from sources such as landfills and coal mines
- Oregon DEQ finalizes its Green Remediation Policy
- EPA's Global Methane Initiative issues RFP for grants to advance methane abatement, recovery and use from sources such as landfills and coal mines
- Call for abstracts: AAS 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
- Call for abstracts: 1stInternational Conference on Environmental and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development: Incorporating Environmental Economics, Toxicology and Brownfields
- Submit input on EPA's Methodology for Understanding and Reducing a Project's Environmental Footprint
- View results of EPA's pilot study on using the methodology to evaluate environmental footprints of cleanup at three sites
- EPA's Global Methane Initiative issues RFP for grants to advance methane abatement, recovery and use from sources such as landfills and coal mines
- Call for abstracts: International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology, Energy and Global Sustainable Development
- Call for abstracts: 1st International Conference on Environmental and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development: Incorporating Environmental Economics, Toxicology and Brownfields
- Guidelines for brownfields cleanup grants now include criteria on environmental benefits from infrastructure reuse/sustainable reuse strategies such as green remediation
- EPA welcomes input on its Methodology for Understanding and Reducing a Project's Environmental Footprint
- EPA completes green remediation pilot study on evaluating environmental footprints of cleanup at three sites
- Guidelines for brownfields cleanup grants now include criteria on environmental benefits from infrastructure reuse/sustainable reuse strategies such as green remediation
- EPA's TTX Tool now includes climate-change scenarios to help plan response to incidents affecting water treatment facilities and supplies
- EPA Region 9 completes pilot study on reducing the cleanup footprint at Travis Air Force Base
- EPA's TTX Tool now includes climate-change scenarios to help plan response to incidents affecting water treatment facilities and supplies
- Oregon DEQ solicits public comments on draft green remediation policy
- Registration opens for Innovative Approaches to Mining Site Remediation and Reuse Workshop in Arlington, VA, on October 6
- EPA develops methodology for evaluating environmental footprints of cleanup at sites under any regulatory program
- Oregon DEQ solicits public comments on draft green remediation policy
- Posters and exhibits invited for new Innovative Approaches to Mining Site Remediation and Reuse Workshop in Arlington, VA, on October 6
- Practicing green remediation at sites with leaking underground storage tank systems
- Call for abstracts at March 2012 National Tanks Conference in St. Louis
- Superfund Landfill Methane-to-Energy Pilot Project evaluates feasibility of methane recovery at six NPL sites
- EPA develops methodology for evaluating environmental footprints of cleanup at Superfund sites
- EPA recommends best management practices for integrating renewable energy into site cleanup
- Practicing green remediation at sites with leaking underground storage tank systems
- Superfund Landfill Methane-to-Energy Pilot Project evaluates feasibility of methane recovery at six NPL sites
- 2012 National Tanks Conference & Expo call for abstracts & topics
- Q&A's address liability concerns regarding renewable energy development on contaminated properties