In Situ Flushing Site Profiles
Project Distribution Charts
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Below is a statistical analysis of projects included in the In Situ Flushing Site Profile Database. Statistical information is presented for the following categories (distribution of project objectives, distribution of project scales, etc.).
- Summary of Site Profile Project Scales
- Summary of Site Profile Project Statuses
- Summary of Site Profile Cleanup Programs
- Summary of Site Profile Project Media
- Summary of Site Profile Project Technologies
Summary of Site Profile Project Scales
This chart summarizes the project scales (e.g., bench, full, or pilot) for the 57 site profiles, which correspond to the scale of the project described in each profile.

Summary of Site Profile Project Statuses
This chart summarizes the project statuses (e.g., complete, design, ongoing) for the 57 site profiles, which correspond to the status of the project described in each profile.

Summary of Site Profile Project Cleanup Programs
This chart summarizes the cleanup programs (e.g., CERCLA, RCRA, Federal Facility) for the 57 site profiles, which correspond to the cleanup programs of the project described in each profile.

Summary of Site Profile Project Media
This chart summarizes the project media (e.g., DNAPLs, Groundwater, etc.) for the 57 site profiles, which correspond to the media type(s) targeted by the project described in each profile. Please note that some projects target more than one media type, and this chart summarizes the 109 media type selections for these 57 site profiles.

Summary of Site Profile Project Technologies
This chart summarizes the project technologies (e.g., cosolvent flushing, surfactant flushing, etc.) for the 57 site profiles, which correspond to the technologies used as part of the project described in each profile.