U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

For more information on Optimization, please contact:

Kirby Biggs
Technology Integration and Information Branch

PH: 202-823-3081 | Email:

Training and Events

Archived Internet Seminars

To accompany demonstration projects and guidance documents, the EPA also provides training for EPA staff and other federal agency, state, tribal and local staff involved in hazardous waste management and remediation. Some training events take place through online demonstrations, courses or webinars. Where possible, training sessions are archived so that they can be viewed at a later time.

EPA-Sponsored Training

Remediation System Evaluations and Optimization of Pump and Treat Projects Internet Seminar

This internet seminar describes the Remediation System Evaluation (RSE) process, describes the EPA's nationwide effort to optimize its Fund-lead pump and treat (P&T) systems and shares initial lessons learned from that effort. The internet seminar has been delivered three times to the public and an archived version is available.

Application of Transport Optimization Codes to Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Systems Internet Seminar

This internet seminar introduces transport optimization for groundwater P&T systems, the results of a recent Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) transport optimization demonstration project, the optimization formulation process for groundwater P&T systems and recommendations on practical aspects of implementing the technology. The internet seminar has been delivered once to the public and an archived version is available.


Archived Online Events and Videos

The link below performs automated searches within the CLU-IN Studio for archived events, videos, internet seminars and conference webcasts. Search terms can be modified to refine searches.

NARPM Presents. . .Practical Applications and Methods of Optimization across the Superfund Pipeline

Part one of this two-part webinar provides information about EPA's National Optimization Strategy; optimization review implementation, processes and tools; and lessons learned from optimization efforts. In the second session, presenters provide first-hand case studies about the experience and benefits of conducting optimization reviews, including information about Black Butte Mine, Grants Solvents and Gilt Edge Mine.

  • Archive of Webinar Session:  Part 1
  • Archive of Webinar Session:  Part 2

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